A Midnight Swim and Ara's mother.

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Later that day I was serving the family Spaghetti with homemade meatballs and sauce.

"This is very nice Ara."  Esme spoke up.  I nodded and thanked her.  As I placed the plate in front of Alec, he whispered in my ear.

"Meet me on the patio after dinner."  I wasn't sure if I schooled go or not.  He seemed mad at me for everything that had happened at school today and I wasn't so sure this was a good idea.  I made my way back into the kitchen and popped a leftover meatball in my mouth and set myself a place at the small wooden table that I ate at every night.

Should I stay or should I go?


I stepped out onto the deck and slid the glass door closed.  I noticed Alec and Will arguing with each other on the side of the pool.  I decided to eavesdrop, which I knew was bad, but I couldn't help myself.

Sadly enough for me, Will stormed away and left Alec alone by the pool.

"You and Hannah making out out there?"  I joked as I stepped out into sight.  Alec nearly jumped when he saw me.

"Ha!  Not in her dreams!"  He laughed and stepped closer to me.

"Why'd you wanna talk to me?"  I asked.  Alec shrugged.

"I was wondering..."  He began, he rubbed the back of his neck, a new habit I discovered.  "If you wanted to take a swim..."

"In our clothes?"

"No naked."


"I'm being sarcastic.  He threw me one of Anthea's skimpy bikinis.  This one was sunshine yellow with pink cherries.  I hid behind a bush and slipped off my tank top and jeans before slipping on the bikini.  It was a bit big, but I was glad, since I didn't want Alec to see my breasts or butt.

I stepped out and noticed he had taken off his shirt and was wearing Bermuda blue swim shorts.

"Is it cold?"  I asked him.  He shrugged.

"Might as well find out."  He offered his hand and I hesitated.

"We'll jump in together."  He muttered.  I took his hand.

"On the count of three.  One....Two....THREE!!!"

We both jumped in at the same time.  i screamed when the cold water touched my skin, but Alec's hand kept me stable.  I kicked my legs swiftly and swam to the surface.  I climbed out of the water and sat at the edge of the pool, my arms crossed across my chest and my teeth chattering.  Alec bobbed his head in the water.

"It's not that cold."  Alec suggested.  I shook my head.

"Come on, just swim with me."  He resurfaced his hand and offered it to me.  I huffed and took it.  He pulled me back into the water which had become slightly warmer.


"I guess."

I dived back under and opened my eyes to see Alec's face just barely an inch from mine.  I giggled and rolling in the water before swimming off like a game of tag.  Alec chased me through the water, but I was faster.  It felt good to outswim the captain of the swim team (plus many more).

I felt the burning sensation in my hands again and looked down.  They were literally glowing.  My hand...were glowing!!!???  I felt myself scream and all the oxygen leave my legs.  I tried my best to swim up but the burning worsened and I could barely move.  I sunk to the bottom and the world went black.


"Arabelle..."  The lingering voice of my mother in my ears.  I opened my eyes and noticed she was standing before me.

"It's Ara."  I corrected.  My mother frowned.

"Arabelle...."  She said again.  I huffed.

"Ara.  Ara.  Ara!"  I found myself saying to her nastily.

"Help me Arabelle!"  I saw her now weaping.  "There isn't much time!"

"What do you mean?"

"There isn't much time...."


"There isn't much time...."

"Much time for what!?  I found myself now snapping at her.

"Tick.  Tock.  Tick.  Tock."  And then a shriek and she was gone and I noticed I was slowly disolving.

"I'll find you mother..."  I sighed and fully woke to the sounds of ambulances and shouting doctors.

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