Out of Here

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Muffled yells and shouts I couldn't quite make out came into hearing distance.  I felt sick, and my wrist was in so much pain it was unbearable.  The shook my ankles to see if I was still chained and noticed these ones actually hurt if you moved.  I fluttered my eyes open to see a blurry version of a courtroom, except it was filled with rich looking men holding signs with numbers on them, half of them were standing, shouting out numbers higher than I could count.

I thought they had put me to sleep for more experiments and attempts to give me powers which I had never been able to obtain.  I finally regained my sight and hearing, not to mention the pain was much worse now.

I noticed Isis.  She was 3 girls down the line and was caked in makeup.  She was barely wearing anything and her hair had been curled and dyed and icey blond.  I noticed that I probably looked the same, and wondered what they had done to my tangled mess of brown curls.

"Experiment 3O8h6

Age: 18

Height: "5'9"

Used to find a cure to lung desease.  Went mistakingly wrong but is good use as a servant girl.  Much stronger and can go longer lengths without sleep and food than the average human!"  Said a scientist who was standing at a podium to the side of the line of us girls, dressed in skimpy white sleeveless shirts.

A few men stood, only offering small amounts of money.  I felt awfully bad and had to look away, too scared to see the sorrow on Isis' face.

They finally settled on 100 dollars, which I figured was the currency in the real world.  I watched as they hauled her away backstage, a man smoking a cigar who was wearing a white suit followed.

After the other two girls, who came in a matching set and could reach luminous speeds were chosen for a very high amount of money, I was next.

"Experiment A30h

Age: 16

Height: "6'1"

She has the ability of many things, currently uncertain.  Was used to try and find a way to help humans evolve better, she is sucessful and will make a good servant.  Trained since it was first tested on and knows over 200 fighting styles and over 30 languages."  The Scientist almost seemed excited when he talked about me.  I didn't hear the rest though, I was too stricken on the thought of myself being so skilled.  I didn't even know I could do the things he said, and powers; uncertain?!

Every man in the room stood, shouting numbers which I was sure weren't real.  I noticed a man with thick black hair and a devious smile sipping some kind of Spirit which I could smell from across the stage.  I wrinkled my nose at him and when the Scientist started counting the room died down, he stood.

"1,100,100!"  He shouted sleekly and the whole room feel silent.  Did I really cost that much.  The thought sent shivers up my spine.

"Deal!!!"  The Scientist nearly bellowed.  The man was escorted to the back.  I tried to cling to the stage but the guards took me away as well.

"You're gettin' outta here, sweet."  The man said when we came face to face backstage.  I noticed his hair was graying a bit, and the Spirits were worse up close.  My lips formed a sour scowl and I kept my eyes off him.

I watched as he handed over a small paper with the numbers written out on it and the guards handed me over.

"Have her put asleep though, I don't want to deal with the roudy thing while on the road."  He hissed.  I glared daggers at him as they injected me again, and didn't take my eyes off him until I collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

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