The Player

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Melrose and I walked down to lunch together.  I was full from the cupcakes so when Melrose was grabbing a panini and salad, I just stuck with a simple apple.

"So what are the Kensington's like?"  Melrose asked as we began walking outside.  We passed a boy and a girl kissing.  I made a face.

"Rich.  Average boys I guess."  I sighed.

"So why do you live with them anyways?"  She asked.  I felt that morning's breakfast begin to creep up my throat.

"My parents died, I live with them now."  I said.  The apple I was holding suddenly felt hot and sticky and began to steam.

Melrose and I both screamed and I dropped it to the ground.  We watched as it steamed on the cool concrete.

"What the-"  Melrose tried to comprehend what had just happened, I was too shocked to speak.

"Mel!"  Both Melrose and I turned to see a group of girls clustered in the shade of a tree.  I followed Melrose and we both joined the mini circle.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Ara.  She's new here."  Melrose said proudly.

"Hey," all the girls said at the same time.

"Oh, and did I mention she lives with the Kensingtons?"  Melrose added.  I gave her a look and the 3 girls began to sqeal.

"Hush.  We must introduce ourselves to the liver of the Kensington house."  Melrose clasped her hands together like a praying angel.

"I'm Hannah!"  A girl who looked like a movie star, with long wavy beach-blond hair, sunkissed skin and sparkling green eyes piped up.

"I'm Kennedy, but you can call me Kena,"  a girl with black hair to her shoulders and violet eyes said shyly.

"And I'm Emma."  The last girl said.  She reminded me of the girls who worked at the cash registers in cafes.  She had a natural, makeup free looked that I liked.  Her strawberry blond hair was cut to her shoulder blades and her face was dashed with freckles.

"I can't believe you live with Alec Kensington!  He is totally gorge!"  Hannah was picking at her salad.  I decided I would make a drastic confession.

"We slept together last night."  I finally said and the girls nearly choked on their food like Melrose had with her cupcake back in Home E.C.

"Olivia Fields will hunt you down girl!"  Hannah warned.

"It's true, I heard she bullied Kaitlyn Wood until she was forced to give up her scholarship and move across the country."  Emma was texting while she spoke.

"What was it like?"  Kena asked quietly.

"No, it was, well, I was screaming in my dream and he offered to stay with me until I could get back to sleep.  I think he just wanted to make sure I didn't-"

"Didn't what?"  The sleek voice of Alec Kensington was right behind me.  I felt my cheeks burn and the stares of my new friends on both him and me at the same time.  Hannah looked like she wanted to jump up and hug him and Kena's face was a brighter pink than mine.  Emma just toyed with her hair.

"Way to eavesdrop."  I playfully hit him on the knee.  I noticed he was alone.

"I heard you talking about me.  I deserve to know!"  He protested, a full smile on his face.

"How's Olivia?"  Melrose jumped in.  I knew she was sacrificing herself for me.  Alec brushed the hair from his eyes but it just came back into place.  That player!

"I broke up with her on the phone last night..."  He confessed.  All 5 of us were stunned.

"This juicier than the news about him and Ara sleeping together."  Hannah whispered.


I slapped my forehead and Emma rolled her eyes.

"Olivia didn't deserve you."  She said.  I could have hugged her.

"Oh really?  And who does?"  Alec challenged.

"No one you two-timing jerk!"  Emma stood and stepped on his foot.  I felt the hotness in my hands again and the grass was now ash.

"Ow!"  Alec fell over ad grabbed his foot.  "What did Ara tell you!?"  He yelled and shot me an angry glare.  I could have now shot Emma in the head.

"Nothing.  We saw you looking at Hannah!  We're not dumb!"  I loved her again.

"What?!"  Hannah and Alec said at the same time.  I looked at Melrose and we both began laughing. 

Alec stormed away and we all broke in a heap of laughs, even Hannah.

"That's how you play a player."  Emma folded her arms.  I nodded in agreement.

"Hey!  We should totally come over sometime!  I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for that boy!"  Kena added, it was the most I had heard her say since we met.

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Sure."  I lied, but on the inside, I really hoped they weren't coming over anytime soon.  Unlike them, I think I was developing feeling for Alec Kensington, player or not, and I wasn't going to let them go.

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