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Being a son there was no gureentee that we won't lay our bikes down, or get shot at, beaten,knifed, or kidnapped. Heck we had no promise of tomorrow just like the other civilians in this town and world.

But we did our best to watch each other's backs.. well those of us who actually care about our brothers and sister.

Which I had learned today on which sons' have my back and which dont.

I was with some of guys and we was basically having a shoot out with the Mayans when not only was I shot by a couple of them but two of the sons' had shot me.

I shot the fuckers who shot me and I killed them with a head shot.

 I couldn't ride so I had to be taken the hospital in the back of the van where they loaded up my bike and strapped it so it not get damaged.

I removed my Kutte and placed it between the seats where I asked Juice to watch it.

After that I don't recall what happened since I passed out from loss of blood.

When I woke I was in pain and I whined loudly making Happy who was seated by me jump and see what was wrong.

"you ok?" he asked

"it hurts" I cried

he pressed the call button and a few moments later a nurse came in.

"feeling some pain?" she asked

"thats an understatement" I groaned

"well take these pain killers" she says handing them over before giving me some water.

Doing as she said I took the pills then chased them with water before I laid back and tried to relax. 

"whats the verdict?" I asked

"you are lucky to be alive" she says

"that bad?" I asked

"you had a bullet that was mere inches from your heart and one that was close to rupturing your spleen and lung." she says

"and the other one? I asked

"it fucked your kidney up bad" she says

"whats the amount of time for me to heal?" I asked

"weeks possibly two months" she says

"son of a fucker" I cursed

"I know" she says

"so I'm bed ridden till I fully heal right?" I asked

"No you can move around but cant ride,lift heavy things. or do crazy work" she says

" I make a living as a mechanic." I tell her

"Well you'll have to see if your boss will allow you to do office work til you heal" she says

I sighed and nodded reluctantly.

"thank you" I say

 "welcome" she says

After she takes her leave I looked over at Happy.

"How long have you been by my side?" I asked

"the whole two weeks you've been in a coma after your body put its self in one due to so many flat lining in the OR" he says

"Thank you" I tell him

"you're my wife. I'm not gonna abandon you when you're practically on death's door" he says

"I know. I'm saying thank you for being here and not leaving me. for being my support system even if you done nothing." I replied

"Welcome" he says

"can I have a kiss?" I asked

He leaned over and kissed me softly

"I love you so much" he says

"and I love you to the moon and back... hell beyond the universe" I replied

He took a seat and held my hand.

"get some rest I'm gonna be right here." he says

I nodded before closing my eyes and letting the pain meds do their job.

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