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Despite me being close to fully being healed I had to go against the doctor's wish of me not riding or doing crazy shit.

Reason being is half my brothers was in serious trouble and I was the only one the could reach. So I jumped on my bike and hauled ass.

When I arrived I had my guns blazing and I was shooting ever fucker that wasn't a son or any of our allies.

After that was taken care of I parked my bike and went to help my brothers.

I cut the ropes and Tape before I walked off to grab their Kuttes some piece of shit tried to steal and I handed it to them.

"thank you" Juice says

"don't mention it" I tell him

"Sorry you didn't get to finish healing like you were supposed to, but Jax and them didn't answer," Tig says

"I'm more than happy to help my brothers" I assured him

after we buried the bodies and took care of the vehicles and bikes

We all got on our Harleys and hauled ass outta there so the cops wouldn't try to nail our asses.

Once we arrived at the Clubhouse I went and grabbed an Advil and took it before I joined the others as we waited to see what the fuck had happened with the others that they couldn't help Tig, Juice, Chibs, and JT.

"Are you ok?" JT asked

"a little bit of pain but I'm fine I'm a few days from being cleared so I'm good," I tell him

he nodded his head before he went back to waiting for his son, Opie, and Bobby.

Once the three had arrived JT laid into their fucking ass and I sat there watching the whole thing. then when a fight broke out the prospects went and broke it up while I grabbed the first aid and started patching up by brothers

"Why didn't you answer when we called you three?" JT asked

"we don't have to answer to you" Jax said 

I looked at him like he was mental or seriously stupid.

"The fuck you don't. not only am I the club's president but I'm your father. so you fucking have to listen to me."JT replied

"I dotn know why you all are bitching you made it out alive" he says

"yea thanks to Avyanna going against the damn doctors of not riding or doing anything crazy while she healed. " TIg says

"Here own damn fault" Jax says

JT said nothing as he walked up to Jax and socked him right in the fucking mouth making him blood and hit the floor.

"I'm done with your bulshit Jackson. remove your Kutte and leave. you're no longer part of this club and you'll never be part of SAMCRO ever again." JT says

"you cant take this from me. I've worked so damn hard for this. this is my life" Jax says

"I dont give a fuck. I said remove your fucking Kutte and get that tattoo taken off your back. cause if we do it you wont like it" JT tells him

I was shocked to say the lease but I felt that this was gonna happen.

"No" Jax says

"Tig, Chibs. grab him and take him to the garage. Juice you and Opie get Gemma away from there. Bobby you and Kip close the gates. Avyanna you just distract Gemma when she is brought in here. after the guys bring her in you are to come to the garage and we will remove Jax's tattoo. you dont like it you'll be next" JT says 

I sat there watching as they took and kicking and screaming Jax out of the clubhouse.

 When Gemma was brought in she was asking so many questions and they told her they couldn't tell her anything that she has to stay there.

After they brought her they went back and did as JT said for them to do.

"are you ok hunny" Gemma asked 

"Ye. I'm getting there" I replied

"do you know whats going on?" she asked

"All I can say is JT got sick of Jax's bullshit" I replied

Gemma knew what I was meaning so she didn't ask anymore.

"thank you for saving them" she says

"gotta watch my brother's backs any way I can and if I have to go against doctor's orders to do so than I will no questions asked.

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