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While I was healing a lot of things had happened and some of it was outta spite and a certain son being a cry baby pain in my ass.

I worked in the office with Gemma and I handled club matters while not being allowed to ride or anything strenuous. 

While that was going on Jax was crying and whining to JT about how I need to give my position in this club up to someone worthy of it and that since I can't do what a V.P is supposed to do then he should take my job.

Which JT told him if I was to ever give my V.P spot up then I choose which son it goes to. 

Jax didn't like that and kept bitching till I told him to grow the fuck up and stop whining like a little bitch. 

He got in my face and threated me which I just laughed at him.

"your like a fucking chihuahua Jackson. your all bark and no bite." I tell him

"No I'm not I back my shit up" he says

"yea and I'm hudni" I replied

he just looked at me.

"you cant do anything without one of us sons' watching your back or handling your business. while you run off and fuck your little runaway who is a coward like you" I tell him

"at least I have someone who loves me" he says

"I have a man who is madly in love with me and I don't have to come to his aid when he has trouble. he's a big boy who can handle his own. while your little dick warmer cant even do that" I replied

"leave Tara out of this" he says

"I'm not afraid of you Jackson so your puny little threats and shit doesn't scare me. I've dealt with gas pains that hurt much worse than you could possibly do" I replied

"you're not worthy of being a V.P. I am and I should've been the V.p not you." he says

"you think you deserve it cause this is JT's club and that everything needs to be handed to you on a fucking silver platter. while the rest of us work our fuckin asses off and actually earn our place in this club. And you've not done a fucking thing to ear my spot. those who have are those who is candidates that I will pick when and if I ever quit being V.p." I tell him

"I can take it from you" he says

"you can fuckin try Jackson. but head this warning son or not I'll fucking beat the living hell out of you and I won't fucking feel bad. " I say

"watch your back" he says

"don't make me fucking shoot your ungrateful ass Jackson. I'd hate to get rid of JT's and Gemma's only offspring." I say

"I'm not scared of you" he said

"you should. cause you  keep fuckin with me and I'll fucking be your worst nightmare." I told him

After that incident occurred Jax has been trying multipule times to harm me and I had warned both JT and Gemma that he keeps his shit up and brother or son I don't care I'll fuck his world up.

 and they told me that he's ignored them telling him to stop so, now I can do what I need to in order to defend myself.

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