Chapter 3

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"I love you my dear Emma". My father sang into my ear as he held me tightly. "I know you will make grandpa proud for what you are doing." "Thanks dad. I appreciate you supporting me in my decision."

I was currently visiting my father prior to departing for Stardew Valley. I spent all night packing up my essential belongings that I will be bringing with me. I knew I needed to move out as soon as possible. I couldn't bear to live another day in Zuzu City. Since my grandfather made life simple for himself and relied on real connections with other people and nature, I decided to leave my cell phone behind to follow in his mindset. I gave the keys to my apartment to my father and entrusted him to it. This was it. This gives me a purpose. An entire farm to care for and build upon. 

"Bye dad. I love you. I will see you soon." He waved goodbye at me as I walked toward the bus station. He dropped me off at the bus station so that I would not have to walk a long distance. As I reached the bus, I again saw the same woman as yesterday. 

"Hi again." I stated, slightly waving at the small statured woman. "Hi kid. The name's Pam by the way. Don't be a jerk and we will get along just fine."

I climbed onto the bus and sat in the same seat as yesterday. I can only imagine my grandfather has moved out by now and left his farm unattended for me to take care of. My mind began to wonder to all the possibilities that could happen while in Stardew Valley. I will have to get to know the town eventually. Most importantly, learn to farm! It was at this moment I wish I had my phone on me to rely on as a form of entertainment. But no, I am doing this for grandpa. I want to make him proud.


After a long two hour drive, we finally made it to Stardew Valley. This is where I could start over on everything. I stood up from my seat and made way to the exit. "Thanks for driving, Pam. I hope to see you again soon." I stated, walking off the bus. She did a small smile and waved. As I stepped off the bus, a red/orange hair woman was staring at me. Maybe she was waiting for the bus? I began to walk forward, only to be stopped by the woman. 

"Hello! You must be Emma." She said with a warm smile. "I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He's there right now, tidying things up for your arrival." She said. "Nice to meet you Robin. Thanks for coming to fetch me." I said with a returned warm smile.

Robin and I walked a short ways until we reached the farm. It still looked the same overgrown mess as it did yesterday. "Well, I have no idea how to farm but I sure will learn soon." I said, looking into the distance. Robin giggled. "Well, it may look overgrown now, but there is good soil underneath. You'll learn in no time." We walked up to the front door of the house. A man with a grey mustache immediately opened the door and stepped out. "Ah! The new farmer." He stated, approaching me. He stretched out an arm and shook my hand. "Your grandfather told me you'd be arriving very shortly." "He did?" I questioned, wondering if my grandpa knew how quickly I would open that envelope. "He sure did. I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town." He stated with pride. I smiled. "I'm Emma." He scratched the top of his head. "You know, everyone in town has been asking about you. It's not everyday that someone new moves in. It's quite a big deal!" I sheepishly looked down. It made me feel embarrassed that so many people knew about me already. 

"Well, don't be a stranger. Take your time to move in today and come into town tomorrow to introduce yourself to people. They will appreciate that". Lewis said, starting to exit himself from the conversation. "Will do." I said nodding my head. Lewis waved goodbye and began to walk away. I turned to Robin and sighed. She put a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, if you need anything at all, don't be afraid to ask! The townspeople are very friendly and will do anything to help." "Thanks Robin." I said with a reassuring smile. She began to walk away, following in the direction of Lewis.

I opened the doors to the cottage, still smelling the refreshing smell of blueberry tart. I feel as if it is embedded in this place now. I set my belongings down and made my way to the bedroom. Thankfully the bed was left behind. I plopped myself down on it and immediately began to cry. I felt overwhelmed with taking on such a big task and changing my life so suddenly. Was I doing the right thing by coming to this farm when I had no idea what I was doing? I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to smile. I can't be crying in such a memorable place filled with happy memories. Even though I tried to give myself a pep talk, I felt that heaviness in my chest that could only be relieved with harming myself. It didn't make sense when said out loud, but it made sense in my mind. I shuffled through my bag and found what I needed.

After relieving the pressure in my chest and cleared my mind, I made my way outside. This time I was determined to start some work on the farm. I found an axe and began to chop down some trees that were immediately blocking my walking path. It was truly exhausting. For a moment I wished I could hire someone to do this. But as I said before, I must do this for grandpa. I thought about how rewarding it will be to clean this place up. It was a project of my own that I could take time on. After chopping down some trees, I found a scythe and began to clear a walking path to the back of the farm. While clearing the area, I found some seeds that looked like they could be planted. I was actually a bit excited to plant my first seeds. I ran back to the cottage and found a watering can. I successfully planted my first seeds. What were they? That is the excitement I will find out in who knows how long. 

I felt as if I was high on energy from all the work I was doing. I had no idea what time it was, but by the looks of the sun it was probably 4 pm. I realized I had not eaten all day. But, I was determined to make some nice headway on this farm. I began to chop some more trees down. I did this for about an hour when I suddenly began to find myself losing consciousness. I set the axe down and looked at the sky. It felt as if the world was spinning at that point. I began to close my eyes. 


"Emma?" A distant voice said. I blinked a couple times, realizing I was not at home. My surroundings eventually came back into focus and I noticed I was in a hospital bed. 

"Oh good, you're awake." The voice said. I looked to my right and saw a man in a green jacket with thick glasses. "Um, hello. May I ask what happened?" I questioned looking down at myself. I was still dressed in my clothes I was wearing earlier thankfully.

 "Someone found you passed out on your farm and brought you in here." He said, placing a hand on my wrist to check my pulse. 

"Oh. I'm sorry. That's embarrassing." I said silently. 

"Don't apologize. I am thankful someone found you. They brought you to the right place." He said. "My name is Harvey. I am the local doctor here in Pelican Town. It is a pleasure to meet you." He smiled with delight while helping me get out of the hospital bed. 

"Nice to meet you Harvey. I'm Emma, as you now know." He chuckled.

"I am discharging you Emma. You are clear to head home if you wish. It is a Friday night, however. Many of the towns folk will be at the local saloon. It would be a great time to socialize if you're up for it."

I thought about what he said for a moment. "I think I will take you up on that." 

He adjusted his glasses and opened the curtain of the hospital room. "Wonderful. I can show you the way. I am done with my shift now."

I was quite nervous to meet so "many of the towns folk". It was my first day after all in Pelican Town. 

Harvey led me out the door and down the road. I read the sign for Stardrop Saloon and assumed this was the place. Once the door opened, loud saloon style music echoed throughout. The smell of fried food and beer filled my nose immediately. 

This was going to be one interesting night.

Line Without a Hook: Stardew Valley & Shane storyWhere stories live. Discover now