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Author's Note:Sorry for the LONG wait on a chapter

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Author's Note:
Sorry for the LONG wait on a chapter. Writers block truly is the worst thing about writing.

I forced myself to finish this chapter and make it extra long.


"Miss Mystic Falls?" Freya questioned with a confused look on her face. "The Beauty Pageant." Rebekah beamed "Of course it is being held at The Salvatore School and Delilah told me that she had registered to be a contestant."

"I didn't give her permission for this." Klaus walked into the room
"She didn't need it," Rebekah smirked.

"Don't you need an escort for such things?" Klaus asked
"The new student Oliver is going to be escorting her." Freya smiled

"Not without my saying so. I will not have some boy escorting my daughter until I meet him." Klaus walked out

"And you will meet him tomorrow," Freya called out but it was too late Klaus had already left the house.

Over at the school, Delilah and Oliver stood in the open room along with other students from The Salvatore School and Mystic Falls High.
They were rehearsing the dance as well as the escort part.

"It's about the simple intimacy of the near touch," Caroline called out to the contestants and their dance partners. "Just relax your shoulders but not too much to where it looks like you slumped over."

Delilah and Oliver slowly moved to the light classical music that was playing.

"Oh man, that guy looks pissed," Oliver said nodding toward the man standing at the door.

Delilah looked over and saw that the man he was talking about was Klaus.

"Dad?" Delilah questioned in a confused tone.

"Dad?" Oliver said to Delilah. "I'm sorry give me a moment." Delilah apologized to Oliver before walking over to her dad. She grabbed his arm before pulling him out.

"What are you doing here?" Delilah questioned. "I needed to come to meet your escort. Freya mentioned him." Delilah sighed in annoyance

"Why is that necessary? Couldn't it just wait until tomorrow?" Delilah asked. "Absolutely not. I needed to see who is escorting my daughter." Klaus replied

Delilah groaned in frustration before rolling her eyes at her dad. "Fine! But you have to wait until practice is over. This is very important to me and I don't need my dance partner distracted." Delilah said in a serious tone.

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