Chapter 8

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"I woke up the next morning to find her naked body asleep on my chest..."

"HOLD ON YOU'RE SKIPPING OVER IT!?" A very drunk master asks.

Mitsuhide laughs. "Prince Zen, I really don't think you want to hear the dirty details of what Obi does in bed."

I nod my head solemnly. "No offense Master, but I don't really want you to get to know me like that."

Master shakes his head. "I told you to not spare any details! Not because I want to hear about your sex life, but because most good stories have a spicy scene in it that helps add to the story!"

"Zen you're so incredibly drunk." I deadpan.

"What? They're my favorite kind of novels!" He says before raising his cup to his lips.

Mitsuhide takes the cup from him. "You've had way too much to drink Zen. Let him carry on with the story."

Zen pouts. "Can you at least give a little bit of detail?"

I roll my eyes. Let's see how long it takes until he can't handle it. "I carried her over to the bed."


I lean forward. "I slipped my hands to the back of her corset and undo it."

"Go on!"

"Her breasts were exposed with a pop of a button."

"Yes! Wait-"

"Leaving a trail of kisses and bite marks in my wake, I undid her trousers to pull them off of her."

"Hold on-"

I shake my head. "You wanted this Zen. I brought myself down to her dripping wet-"

"STOP THAT'S ENOUGH!" Zen yells, interrupting me. His face is beat red. "I understand now! Jeez I wish I was sober right now."

A very red Mitsuhide clears his throat next to him. "Well played Obi. Well played."

I give them a big grin before taking another drink. "Shall I continue with the story?" I ask innocently.

"Just... skip to the next morning." Zen says, still the color of a Shiriyuki's hair.

"Like I was doing before you interrupted me?"


"Are you sure?"


"I can throw a little bit if spice in there if you would like."

Mitsuhide speaks up next. "You're adding plenty! Please, continue!"

I chuckle before finishing my drink once again. "Alright alright, I woke up the next morning with her naked body asleep on my chest..."

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