Chapter 9

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Her skin is so soft. I can't help but run my fingers across her bare back ever so softly. Last night was the best moment of my life. Never have I had a partner like her. She took control for a bit, which drove me insane. Then she let me take it back and it was so incredibly amazing.

She starts to stir on my chest. I smile at her and brush some hair out of her face. "Goodmorning Beautiful." I say softly to her.

He lifts her head to look at me, eyes still full of sleep. "You're telling me I wasn't having a wet dream? Last night actually happened?"

I laugh. "Yes, last night happened. It can happen this morning too if you're up for it."

She lazily smiles at me before laying her head back down on my chest. "Mmm, I think I would like to sleep more, actually." She says with a happy sigh. I chuckle and start to move her off of me. "Wait, where are you going?" She asks me in a worried tone.

I strand up and stretch before turning around to give her a quick peck on the lips. "Relax, I'm just going to the bathroom." I turn to walk away, but she grabs my hand. "Yes Songbird?"

"You don't... regret last night... do you?"

I turn around to look at her. "What in the world would give you that idea? I literally asked if you wanted to replicate it this morning!"

She looks down at the sheets tangled around her perfect body. "I've been left before, so. I guess it's just a habit of mine to ask."

I'm shaking with anger. "Names. I want the names of the scum that dared to lay a finger on you then discard you like a used linen cloth."

She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter."

I grab her face and force her gaze to mine. "Oh but it does, Songbird. You see, you're mine now. Your pain is my pain. I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you. Now, give. Me. Names."

Her eyes start to water. "I'm yours now?" She asks quietly.

I pull her close to my chest. "Yes, Songbird. If I wanted to use you, I would have slept with you much sooner. I also never would have stayed the whole night. You make me want to be better."

What started as a nice embrace very quickly turned into more. I lifted her face to plant a kiss on her lips, and she was needy. She makes me weak to the knees when she kisses like that. Very gently, she tugs me back onto the bed, hovering over her. My mission to go to the bathroom has been quickly forgotten. This time it's... different. Much more gentle, loving, intimate. I have never been with anyone like this before.

Every kiss, every breath, sigh, and touch feels like a fire being lit across my skin. Every move we make is so incredibly magical. I want to stay like this with her for eternity. I want to make her feel like this forever. I want her to make me feel like this forever. "Obi?" She asks as we lay in bed, cuddled close together.

"Yes my Songbird?" I respond, running my fingers through her soft hair.

"Is it too early to say that I love you?" She quivers in my arms. This woman comes off as so strong, lighthearted, a playful fox. In reality, she is all of these things and more. She can be strong, but she is insecure and scared. She may be lighthearted and funny, but she is also so worried about every little thing. She's a playful fox, but she's also the scared rabbit that the fox chases. My little songbird is so much more than the woman I met that first time I opened my eyes.

I give her forehead a long kiss. "No Kaiya, I was actually about to say the same thing. I've never wanted to love someone the same way that I just loved you. I want to continue to love you like that."

She sits up and gives me a playful grin. The rabbit has been eaten and the fox is back. "Well since you're my prisoner, I guess I can make you stay and do whatever to you, can't I?"

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