Chapter 14

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It took me a year, but I found him. He was balls deep in a woman crying for mercy when I found him. I stabbed him through the chest and pulled him out of her. She screamed and cried harder, terrified of the both of us. "This is for Kaiya you sick bastard." I whispered in his ear before twisting the blade.

Master Zen and Mitsuhide are silent, staring at me with tears in their eyes. "That's horrible Obi." Zen says quietly.

I finish the last of the alcohol we have in the room. "Yeah well, now you know why I don't like to talk about it."

"You never got to find out what she wanted to say to you." Mitsuhide says with a sniffle.

I shake my head. "Nope. She was probably just nervous, you know, wanting to say last words and such. She had been sick since the first threat. Constantly throwing up food, craving weird things, kind of on edge. Things got to her easier."

"Still might have been nice to know what her last words to you were." Zen says, wiping a tear.

I stand up and stretch. "Yeah, I fucked that one up didn't I?"

"Wait, what about Ban and Chiron? What happened to them?" Mitsuhide asks.

"Most of the blood in the room was actually Chiron's. I found him dead about a mile down the trail. As for Ban, he swore off the life. That day with Malachi was his last one. He's actually the one who told me where to find Malachi." I start making my way towards the window.

"That's insane." Zen whispers.

I shrug. "Well, story time is over. have a good night fellas." I step onto the balcony and reach for a tree.

"Obi wait!" Mitsuhide calls.

I turn and look at him. "What is it?"

"Are you going to be alright?" He asks.

I give him a closed eye smile. "Of course, I always am." Then I swing out of the window and into a tree. "Goodnight Kaiya." I say to the moon.

My head is a little groggy from the alcohol we drank last night. Mater Zen is sick in bed and Mitsuhide is a little green around the gills, but he's doing fine. Master asked for some fresh fruit from the market, so I head down there for him. The market is always a little too crowded for my liking, but I've gotten better with it.

Once I buy the fruit for Master, I decide to look around the market a bit. I'm not sure if it's from the left over alcohol or the fact that I shared that story for the first time in six years, but everything reminds me of Kaiya. The jewelry, the smell of the food, the distant music playing... all of it.

Just when I think my imagination can't trick me any further, a familiar smell washes over me. I quickly look to my right and my eyes lock with a pair of hazel ones under a cloak. I blink and watch after the woman and the child holding her hand. "No, it can't be her." I say with a smile. "What a great dream that would be though."

I start to head back towards the palace when I hear the voice of a small child. "What's wrong Mommy? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing, Kitten. I just finally found your dad."

My head whips around. She sounds just like Kaiya. "It must have been the wind." I whisper. "There's no way she could have survived that."

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