Eww school...

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Okay I know about half the people on Wattpad can relate to me, but I really despise school!! And it's not just because I'm some hormonal teenager, WHO WANTS TO SPEND APPROXIMATELY SIX HOURS SITTING IN THE SAME CHAIR, THEN MOVING TO A DIFFERENT CHAIR, LISTENING TO PEOPLE TALK?! *ahem* and now back to our regularly scheduled awkward chapter. so today, although I don't think any of my friends saw this, I had QUITE an awkward experience today! YAAY. So what happened was the bell had just rang to signal the end of lunch break. we all got up, grabbed our backpacks and other essentials to learn. I was kind of lagging behind a bit because I got NO sleep last night, and IT HAPPENED. this kid that just about my whole group likes, which I don't see, but that's their deal, but ANYWAYS, he just happened to sprint by me and TRIP OVER MY FOOT. and that wasn't even the best part. when he did that, my awkward self somehow dropped my backpack on his head. mind you, my backpack is definitely not light. AND I JUST CHUCKED IT ON ALL MY FRIENDS' CRUSH. he screamed like a girl though. And all I did was squeak sorry, pick up my backpack and ran to catch up with my friends. AM I A BAD PERSON?! I just left him on the floor... and when I looked back, he was kind of just curled up in a ball. *facepalm*
We'll see you guys quite soon, and STAY GORGEOUS!!!
And today's song of the day is.... *drumroll* This Ain't a scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy!!

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