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Okay so as this book title implies, I like books. OK UNDERSTATEMENT. I FRICKIN ADORE THEM. Books are like portable lives that you can live just by opening them. And sometimes (well all the time) you need an escape from your own life. Anyways, I of course collect these little paper boxes of joy, and I've just realized that MY COLLECTION HAS EXPANDED DRASTICALLY. I mean I've got the Harry Potter series, The Mortal instruments, The Hunger games, and all that, but I've also got some new ones like "The Mistress of Shenstone" By Florence L. Barclay, "Murder at the Vicarage" By AGATHA FRICKIN CHRISTIE, and "East" By Edith Pattou. I'm just so proud of how many books I have. Books are like sports cars for me. You can't stop bragging about how many you have.

Song of the day: "Something Good Can Work" By Two Door Cinema Club

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