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Hello my people! What I'm gonna blab about today is (obviously) mah bestest friends on Wattpad that I know in real life. you see, the word, "friend" always has a loose definition. but to me, a friend is someone who you can relate to. someone to lift you up, not bring you down. someone you can be yourself around. luckily, I have a fair amount of dorky friends on here, and they deserve some recognition for putting up with me all these years. first one up is... misskrissy26
The crazy hilarious one of the group. with envy worthy long blonde hair, and a bubbly personality, you can't just not laugh at her. you would expect her to have a quiet, respectful personality from her grades, and attitude towards adults, but the minute she's out of sight from any adults, BAM. A loud, crazy, awesome, epic little potato Sammich blows up all over your face. she's pretty awesome.

Next up is...
The simply CRAZY one. oh how can I explain her. she speaks German AND English which is super cool, and can that girl PROJECT HER VOICE OR WHAT. she's the one I go to when I'm having a fangirl attack, or when I'm about to punch someone in the face, or when I'm about to explode with all the tears streaming out of my eyes. I swear, she would make the best therapist.
Número tres....
Ohh this girl. she's probably the more shy one of the group, but DID SHE CHANGE. I MEAN SHE DYED HER WHOLE FRICKIN HEAD BLUE. I could never be that brave. she's the one that if I can't make it to Zsa Zsa, I'll just die at her feet from fangirling. I can also rant about everything to her which is EPIC. from how sucky math is, to how unfair it is that there are no cute boys in our grade, she'll be there for me.
So that just about wraps it up for now!! Thanks for I don't know... reading this or whatever. SO GOOD BYE FOR NOW MY BEAUTIFUL PHOENIX PEOPLE.

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