I Haven't been Outside in a Week

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Hello person reading this! How's your day been? Yeah, mines been pretty cruddy too. Don't worry, we all have bad days. Mine wasn't full of people, so that was good, but You know those numerous days in Summer when the only thing you can do to escape the wrath of the evil Sun is to sit in your room with all the lights off, and all the shades down, and just fan yourself? And in that inescapable silence, you start thinking about all the bad things in your life, and you just sit there and worry. Yeah my WHOLE FRICKIN WEEK HAS BEEN LIKE THAT. It's really put a damper on the whole no school thing. But one thing I HAVE enjoyed about summer is my limited contact with people! YAAAY. Introverts unite! Anyways, I hope your day isn't dull or sad MY GLORIOUS PHOENIX PERSON. 

Song of the day: "Ride" by TWENTY ONE PILOTS YUSS

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