My Bestie!!

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Okay this might sound sad, but yeah my cat is my best friend... XDD I mean I have other EPIC friends like disneydreams4life
Okay enough promos!! Anyways, the picture above is mah kitteh cat Asia. Yes her name is Asia. Don't ask me why, I named her when I was 10. ISNT SHE PRECIOUS?! She sleeps on My face at night so I suffocate, but I can't just push her off me! Asia is my bestie because when you talk to her (don't judge me, all cat owners do it!!) she can't talk back and start judging me or telling my secrets, she just meows. Ok it might sound weird, but it's all true!! Sorry for this being so short!! Here I'll make it longer. banana unicorns swimming across a lake of lachrymose leeches while singing the song of the day: "Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots"

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