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I know I don't do this kind of serious chapter, but I think it's time. I, along with many people across the world suffer from something called "anxiety." If you don't know, it's a state of mind that you can't escape from. It's like trying to climb out of a deep pit made of sand. You keep slipping and the pit just caves in and buries you. This state of mind is always making you feel wary. Too wary. Cautious of the past, present, and future. You don't like putting yourself in situations you have no control of. We are afraid of possibilities. Possibilities that we don't like. So, we stay inside. We don't go out and risk anything. We don't want to risk being put on the spot, talked to, or even looked at. We are scared. I am scared. This condition doesn't make you crazy. Or evil. It makes you, you. Anxiety makes you feel like even talking to someone for the first time could end in disaster. We can't explain this. We should have to. We were born like this. So accept it. We all need help in some way.

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