• Matt •
Matt wasn't happy. Why? He wasn't entirely sure. He just knew that ever since he'd seen Sienna get asked to the Winter Ball by Josh, he'd been in a sour mood. He had been looking forward to the group that they normally went in. Chris, Nick, Sienna, Claire and Matt always went to dances together.
Was he jealous? No. Maybe that Sienna wouldn't be with them for their last high school dance other than prom. But not because Josh was taking her to the Winter Ball. Sure, he'd heard a few rumors about it around school, but he didn't think that he would actually ask her. He'd never even seen them interact. Which only made it weirder when she had said yes. He'd left before he could see anything else.
Now his phone was blowing up with texts from people telling him that they were sorry that Josh had stolen his girl. Sienna wasn't his girl. Why did everyone think that? It probably didn't help that he had basically stormed off when it happened.
A knock sounded at his door, and MaryLou popped her head in a moment later. "Everything okay in here? It's really dark."
Matt's room was always dark, he was either not in it or sitting in bed on his phone. Still, his mother commented on it often.
"Everything's fine. Why?" He was praying that his mom wouldn't bring up Sienna, she had been at the forefront of trying to get them together when they first became friends.
"I heard Sienna is going to the Winter Ball with some guy called Joe."
"It's Josh, mom."
She ignored him. "And you're okay with that?"
"Why wouldn't I be? Sienna and I are just friends."
She shook her head, almost in disbelief. "If you wanna talk, I'm just down the hall." She shut the door and Matt could hear her footsteps echoing, stopping around Chris' room. He could hear whispered voices, but no words stuck out that could give him any hint as to what they were talking about.
Hi phone lit up again and he audibly groaned at it. He didn't think he could handle another condolence text from someone he barely knew.
Enna :p : wanna go get food??
Enna :p : i'll pick u upHe smiled when he finally read the text. He grabbed his phone and responded, finally turning on the lights in his room.
Matt: Ready whenever you are
He tossed his phone back onto his bed and went into his closet to change out of the pajamas he had been lounging in. Sienna almost always wore pajamas when they hung out at night, but he would get too embarrassed at the thought of being out in public in his.
It wasn't long before he heard a car pull up outside his house, so he grabbed his wallet and made his way downstairs. MaryLou was sitting in the kitchen, probably doing a crossword or sudoku puzzle, when he walked in.
"Sienna's picking me up. We're getting food." His mom nodded at him, still deep in thought about whatever puzzle it was that she was working on, so he made his way out the front door.
Sienna sat in her car, pulled up along the curb in front of the house. She was on her phone, probably texting Claire. Or Josh. He pushed the thought from his head, he didn't want to think about that. He opened the door and got into, startling his best friend.
"Hey Enna." He smiled at her clearly shocked expression.
"Jesus, Matt! You scared the shit out of me!" Her face was pale, damn, he really did scare her, but he soon saw the color returning to her features when she realized it was just him. "I need to put a bell on you or something!"
"I don't think a bell would work from outside the car, Enna."
"That's why I said 'or something', dumbass. You're too stealthy." Matt rolled his eyes at her comment. It wasn't his fault that she was enthralled with whatever she was doing on her phone, he fought the urge to ask her, knowing that with his luck, if he asked, it would bring up Josh.
The argued for another few minutes while Sienna pulled away from the curb and began to drive. It wasn't until they ended up back in the empty parking lot that they realized that they had no idea where they were going to eat. They both agreed that they wanted something different than McDonalds, and it wasn't a Wednesday, so they took a second to think about it.
Then, they went back to arguing, this time about where to eat. Sienna wanted Taco Bell, or at Matt called it in the moment, Taco Hell. She hated to admit that she laughed a little when he said it. Matt wanted to go to an actual restaurant, like Olive Garden, which Sienna immediately shot down as she had heard that most of their food was microwaved and she didn't want to find out for herself.
The argument got pretty heated, but when you've been as good of friends with someone for as long as the pair had been, most do. They never leave anyone with any hurt feelings later on. Somehow, during the argument, both parties had taken their seatbelts off so that they could really emphasize their points without the minimal restriction that they brought, and it wasn't long before Sienna was leaning in to try and prove to Matt just how serious she was about Taco Bell.
Before she was able to finish up her point, she was silenced by Matt as he kissed her. It didn't last more than a second, but as soon as it was over, they both threw themselves away from each other as fast as possible.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that." Matt muttered, his head falling into his hands.
"It's fine. Umm... I don't really know what to do right now." Sienna confessed, that was not what she had expected to happen tonight, or ever for the matter.
"You can take me home if that's okay. We can talk about this later." Sienna nodded, and began driving back to his house. Neither said a word when he got out of the car and he silently made his way to his front door.
Why the fuck did he do that?

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘
Fanfiction𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 Sienna and Matt have been best friends since the ninth grade, until newly realized feelings and jealously push them apart, and eventually b...