twenty two

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• Sienna •

Three weeks had past since Sienna has broken up with Josh. The only people that seemed to care were Josh's friends, who didn't pass up an opportunity to give her a dirty look when ever they could. They had stopped after about a week though, probably because they realized that it wasn't going to make her get back together with him.

She'd received a total of five texts from Josh. Three were asking her to talk to him so they could work out their differences. One was an apology, which did seem genuine, but then again, so had he when he said he believed her about not trying to get with Matt while they were together. The last one was an 8 ball game that they had been playing right before she had broken up with him. The 8 ball game was the only one she replied to.

She'd come to the conclusion that they didn't really have anything to talk about anymore. She had said everything that had needed to be said, and heard everything she needed to hear.

She no longer heard whispers in the hall when she walked by, and no one gave her a second glance. Everything was back to the way that it was before Josh. She'd expected to have to move her seat in math, but she was surprised to find that he had moved before she gotten there.

Matt was acting normal again too, with a little extra flirting, but that was two sided. The had been basically inseparable for the past few weeks, almost never being apart. They now sat in her living room with Claire, Chris, and Mae, although they weren't exactly paying attention.

Matt leaned over to whisper to her, causing her to jump slightly. "I haven't heard anything at school lately. Have you?"

"No, everything's been normal again." Matt opened his mouth to speak, but Sienna cut him off before he could say anything. She knew exactly what he was going to say. "Matt, you gotta be a little more romantic if you're going to ask me out."

He huffed, falling back in the couch more. "What are you thinking? Candlelit dinner? A gondola ride? Oh, I know! A horse drawn carriage!"

"You're an idiot. You don't need to do something super expensive. Just like, not in my living room while Chris and Claire are arguing about cereal."

The pair turned their attention to their friends, Claire was almost red in the face with anger. Apparently saying that Frosted Flakes was the best cereal set her off.

"It's obviously Cap'n Crunch, Chris! How could you even say that to me?" This wasn't even the weirdest argument the two had been in, but it was entertaining so they let it continue.

"Cap'n Crunch sucks ass." Chris was obviously losing the argument badly if that was his only response. He usually never shut up, so he was really at a loss for words if that was the only thing he could think to say.

"Sienna, can I fight Chris?"


"Actually, I wanna see this." Mae piped up for the first time since the argument had started, she had say there in awe for a few minutes just admiring the passion that the two had for cereal of all things. "Let them fight."

"Mae, you really want to see Claire beat your boyfriend up? Because she will not hold back."

"Yeah, plus black eyes are hot. You should know Sienna, you liked Matt's." Sienna's face felt hot. She had told Mae and Claire that in confidence, assuming that they wouldn't tell anyone that she had said it.

She looked to Matt, and found him already looking at her. "You thought my black eye was hot?"

"It was more of a black cheekbone. But yeah, sure, whatever. Let's drop this." She fished her phone out of the pocket of her hoodie, hoping he would take the hint that she really didn't want to talk about this.

"No, no. You're ex-boyfriend punched me, and you told your friends that it was hot that I got a bruise." He was smirking as he spoke and Sienna just knew this was going in the arsenal of blackmail he had been saving up over the years.

She could see Mae smiling, Chris and Claire had stopped arguing and were now fully invested in Sienna's conversation.

She put on a fake smile, a glimmer in her eye. "Oh yeah, you looked so good with the bruise. I wish he'd punch you again."

"I could arrange that."

"Matt, don't be an idiot and go get yourself punched again."

Sienna was surprised at how far Matt was taking the bit, sure, maybe she had said that he looked good with the bruise. But that didn't mean that she desperately wanted him to go get himself punched again.

Matt just grinned, clearly happy with himself for being able to get under her skin. "Fine, I won't go and try to get punched. But if I'm offered I'll do it for you."

Sienna grabbed a throw pillow and hurled it at him, hitting him in the face. "Shut up."


Another week passed and Matt hadn't asked Sienna out yet. Sure, she had told him not to do it when he was going to, but to be fair, Claire and Chris were not helping set the mood.

Sienna was sprawled across the bed, her phone propped up on the nightstand as she spoke to Claire over FaceTime.

"I just didn't think that he'd take this long. Like I'd say yes basically anywhere except for in my living room while you and Chris are fighting over cereal." She sighed, glancing at her friend.

"You did tell him to make it a little romantic. Maybe he's just planning something out."

"Yeah, but does he have to take so long? I mean I thought that he would have something up his sleeve from how long he's liked me." Her phone buzzed on the nightstand, knocking it over from its standing position. "Wait, he's outside. I'll text you later."

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now