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• Sienna •

It wasn't unusual to find Claire in Sienna's room on a Saturday afternoon. Nor was it unusual for them to get ready for the school dance together. It was, however, unusual for the room to be silent as they got ready. The girls just simply didn't know what to say right now.

Claire only wanted to talk about Matt and how she thought he was going to act tonight. Sienna didn't even want to think about him when she was going to the dance with her boyfriend. It didn't help that he had officially asked her out two days ago and she'd realized her feelings for Matt almost immediately after. Mae was there too, also not speaking, but she seemed more comfortable in the silence as she put on her false eyelashes.

"Done. What do you guys think?" Sienna broke the silence as she spun her chair around, showing the finished look to her friends.

"You look amazing. Josh is gonna drool." Mae piped up, only after cussing out her lash that had dropped after Sienna surprised her by speaking up.

"Matt, too." Claire added, trying to not make it obvious that she hoped the two would get together tonight. She got a slap on the arm, knocking her mascara out of her hand right before she applied it.

"Claire. I have a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend that you can break up with tonight." Sienna rolled her eyes. "Sienna, we're just messing with you. But really, if you want to be with Matt, then you shouldn't be with Josh."

"I'm gonna go put on my dress." Sienna left the room, not wanting to face the reality of what she was doing. What was she doing?

The girls all finished their makeup and hair, and then went downstairs so that Sienna's mom could take some pictures of them before the left to meet up with everyone else. There was a tension in the room, Sienna's mom didn't seem to pick up on it, but it was so thick you could cut it with a knife if you wanted to. Sienna didn't want to admit that she was in a shitty situation, and Claire wanted nothing more than for her friend to admit it. Mae was just happy to be included in the group, even though it was a bit awkward at the moment.

Once her mom was done taking more pictures than she could hold on her phone, the girls piled into Sienna's car and began to make their way to the boys house. Everyone else was already there, and according to Chris, Matt was trying to have a one way staring contest threw the back of Josh's head. So they made their way there as quickly as possible. The door was unlocked when they pulled up, so the girls walked right in and found the boys in the living room. They all shared a look of confusion when there was an extra person there that they weren't expecting, but none of them felt comfortable just openly asking who he was.

Josh was the first to notice them when they walked in, his eyes immediately locking on Sienna and making his way over to her. Chris wasn't wrong about how Matt was staring at him.

"You look amazing, Sienna." Josh pulled her in by her waist, looking into her eyes before he leaned down to place a small kiss on her lips. Everything about it felt wrong. She wished it were Matt.

"You look great, too." She whispered. She wanted so bad to forget everything about Matt that she liked so that she could be with Josh guilt free. Everything would be so much easier if she could just get over Matt. How long had she liked him without realizing it for her to be this down bad for him?

After another round of pictures for MaryLou, the group was off to dinner. The girls still didn't know who exactly the mystery man was, but they learned that his name was Sidney. They all sat in the triplets minivan, with Matt and Claire upfront as Claire claimed she needed to 'mediate' and the rest of them dispersed through the back. Chris sat right in front of Sienna, with Mae right next to him, so she took her chance to ask some questions.

"Chris," she really tried to be discreet, leaning into the crack on the side of his seat, "who is Sidney? I've never heard of him."

"No one told you?" She shook her head. "It's Nick's date."

"How on Earth did no one tell me Nick was bringing a date?"

"To be fair, Matt has been a bitch and needed a lot of attention lately."

Sienna sighed, sitting back in her seat, trying her best to discreetly move away from Josh a little. As much as she wished that she were with Matt, she couldn't bring herself to break up with him so soon. If only she had realized how she felt about him just a few minutes sooner, she could've avoided all of this.

They're halfway to the restaurant when Claire declares that she has to pee, urgently. Then half the car agrees with her and claims that they also need to use the bathroom. They pull into a gas station and, suddenly, the only people left in the car are Sienna and Matt. She's not sure how exactly this happened, if it was planned or just some twisted luck of fate. She catches his eye in the rear view mirror, and suddenly they're back on speaking terms.

"Enna... can we talk?"

"About what, Matt? How you've been ignoring me for three weeks and acting like a dick to Josh the whole time?" She didn't expect to feel so much anger when he finally spoke to her.

"Enna, I'm sorry."

"Don't call me that."

"Sienna, it's just..." His heads falls and he rubs his eyes as he corrects himself, trying to figure out how to word what he's going to say. "Sienna, I can't do this. I can't just watch you be happy with someone else."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Surely he can't mean what she thinks he means. And in a gas station parking lot of all places.

"Sienna. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for such a long time, and I thought that maybe you felt the same way. But now you and Josh are all happy and it's killing me."

"Shut up. Shut your face, Matt." She's yelling now, still not entirely sure where it's coming from. "You don't get to ghost me for weeks, then suddenly profess your love for me while my boyfriend is in the bathroom. That's not how this works."

"I know. And I'm sorry, really..."

"Are you though? We wouldn't be in this stupid situation if you had just spoken up and told me this weeks ago, instead of ghosting m-" She cuts herself off. She wasn't supposed to say that. That was supposed to be her secret. Well, hers, Mae's, and Claire's secret. "Forget that. Forget I said anything. I need to pee too."

She unlocked the car door and got out, leaving Matt alone in the car. She catches the smile on his face as she got out and wishes that she didn't.

Sienna is epically screwed now.

{note: sorry but the urge to make sienna unlikable for a few chapters is growing and i might have to do it. i'll do my best to give her a good redemption tho i swear 🤞🏻 also nick needed some love in his life too so he's got his own date now :) thanks baes <33}

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