• Matt •
Matt was most definitely freaking out. Why did he do that? What compelled him to do that?
"Can you stop pacing for like 15 minutes? I'm trying to sleep, dude." Chris stood in his doorway, clearly annoyed at how loud his brother was being.
"Yeah, yeah sorry." Matt sat on the edge of his bed, letting his head fall.
"What happened tonight? You got home mad early and now you're acting weird. Did you finally tell Sienna that you like her?"
"I don't like her." Chris didn't buy it, Matt could tell by the look on his face. "But I might've just fucked everything up..."
"YOU KISSED HER?!" Chris jumped up from the spot he had taken on the bed next to his brother after he heard it. No way in hell. "Can I go get Nick? We need Nick's advice for this."
Ten seconds later, Nick was also in Matt's room as Matt told the story for the second time that night.
"I don't know. We were arguing and she was like in my face and I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to win the argument."
"You're in deep shit, bro." Nick hadn't said anything else the whole time, he couldn't believe that his own brother was so blind to his own emotions sometimes. "She literally just got asked to the dance by someone else."
"I'm not stupid, Nick. I know that." Nick shot him a glare in response. "Okay, maybe I'm a little stupid. But I swear I'm not trying to get between her and Josh."
Chris and Nick shared a look. It was possible that Matt didn't realize what he was doing, the guy was head over heels for Sienna, anyone could see it. Except maybe him.
"So, what exactly was going through your head when you kissed her?" Chris was asking a lot of questions that Matt wasn't sure he had the answer to, so he had to think about it for a long second.
"Just that she was really close to me, and I wanted to win the argument. And that she smelled nice and her smile is pretty. But that's just like normal."
Chris and Nick shared another look. "Matt, do you remember what I said to you the first time I told you about Mae?"
Of course Chris would bring up Mae. The two weren't even dating yet, but he talked about her like they were. "No?"
"I said that she had a really pretty smile and when I walked past her I got a whiff of her perfume, and it smelled good." Chris cringed at himself, definitely a weird thing to say about someone who was a stranger at that point, but it was working out well for him so far.
"That doesn't mean anything." Matt tried to argue, he really did, but every point his brothers made just proved their argument more and more. "I don't like Sienna. She's my best friend."
"Matt, do you think that you just haven't realized that you like her? You look at her like she's the only girl in the world, and you two are the only ones who don't notice." Matt threw a pillow at Nick, earning a huff as it hit him. "Hey! Don't hate the messenger."
"Oh my God! I don't like Sienna, guys!" Matt buried his head deeper into his hands, rubbing his eyes. "Fuck, maybe I like Sienna a little bit."
"Now that we've gotten that out of the way... What are you gonna do about this whole thing?"
Matt was about to shit himself. He didn't know why he had agreed to do this, but he was on his way to Sienna's house. Chris and Nick were also in the car to make sure that he didn't chicken out, much to Matt's complaint.
They pulled up to the curb outside, but Matt's grip on the steering wheel didn't get any looser. His knuckles were still white from how tight he was holding it.
"You got this dude, just apologize. You don't need to tell her how you feel, just say that you're sorry for kissing her."
"It's not that easy, Chris." Matt opened his eyes, he didn't remember closing them, and he looked up at the house. It was mostly dark besides the living room and the room that he knew belonged to Sienna.
Matt: Can we talk really quick?
Matt: I'm outsideThe curtains moved in the bedroom and he saw Sienna look out, then they moved back to where they were and the light went out a second later. After no more than a minute, Sienna was sitting in the passenger seat of the minivan.
"Hey." She didn't seem too happy to see him, but he understood why. He pressed the button to open the door for his brothers and motioned for them to get out.
"You want us to just stand outside?" Nick seemed appalled at the idea of it.
"Just get out."
Once they were finally alone, Matt finally met Sienna's eyes.
"I'm really sorry about earlier. I swear I wasn't trying to hit on you or anything. I just thought it would win me the argument and I didn't think it through." What Matt said was half true, he hadn't been trying to hit on her, not intentionally at least.
"It's fine, really. It just caught me off guard. Usually guys ask before just kissing someone out of the blue, especially their best friend." Sienna wasn't looking at him, and he felt terrible that he had made her feel that way.
"I know! There's not gonna be a next time, but if there was I would ask. I know it made things really awkward for both of us, especially you, but I don't want to ruin our friendship over it." Matt didn't really know what to say. How do you apologize to your best friend after you basically admitted to them that you liked them by kissing them?
"I know. I forgive you, Matt. Just don't do that again, please?" He nodded, not trusting that he wouldn't confess his feelings right then and there if he opened his mouth. "You might want to get your brothers back in here, Nick looks like he's about to get hypothermia."
Sure enough, Nick sat on the curb, gently rocking and blowing warm air into his hands.
"It's not even that cold!" Sienna laughed at that, making Matt's heart soar. God, this crush was gonna be the end of him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Enna?"
"Of course. Good night, Matt."
"Good night." She shut the door and spent a second talking to Nick and Chris before heading back up to her house. She waved over her shoulder when she unlocked the door and Matt breathed a sigh of relief.

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘
Fanfiction𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 Sienna and Matt have been best friends since the ninth grade, until newly realized feelings and jealously push them apart, and eventually b...