• Matt •
Matt was still sulking in his room and ignoring Sienna. He needed to get whatever feelings he had out of his system, and soon. His best option was detoxing.
He'd declined all of her calls and muted her text notifications, but it wasn't seeming to help much. His mind still made its way back to her constantly. He would think of her smile when she got into the minivan with him, or the way that she pulled her curly hair onto one shoulder when she was trying to concentrate, or the way that she used to text him at least once an hour about something that Tara or Kole had done.
He missed her. But he knew that if he kept acting like everything was normal, he would never get over her.
A small knock sounded on his door, undoubtedly his mother asking him to come out for dinner. "Come in." He called out, beginning to move some of the things from his desk back into the drawers. He was surprised to find Claire at the door when it opened, Mae standing behind her. "I didn't know you two knew each other."
"We don't. But we need to talk about Sienna." Mae stepped inside his room, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.
"What about Sienna?"
"Matt, you are clearly into her. Don't even try and deny it, I've seen the way you look at her." Matt wasn't sure if the two had decided to play good cop bad cop, but Claire was obviously the bad cop, purposefully or not.
"So what? It's never going to happen..." He trailed off, not meeting either of their eyes. "She doesn't like me back."
While Claire didn't really know Mae, she knew Chris. She heard from him and his brothers about when Mae had ghosted him for a week, and how it had almost ruined everything that they had going for them. Claire didn't want Matt to do the same thing to Sienna.
"You can't just ignore her until you get over her. You're not going to be friends if you do that. Trust me, it doesn't work out how you hope it will." Mae spoke softly, contemplating each word. Matt knew deep down that she was right.
"You and Chris worked it out. And now you guys are fine."
"I didn't ignore Chris when he came to talk to me. You basically kicked Sienna out." Mae seemed agitated, trying to save Sienna from the same hurt that she had caused Chris, but Matt wouldn't listen.
"Yeah, can you get your head out of your ass and talk to her for godsake. She's been moping all day because you're ignoring her. Also, if you think she doesn't like you back then you're blind. She won't admit it, but I've known her basically our whole lives. I can tell."
Matt doesn't say anything, weighing his options in the situation. He could ignore all of Claire and Mae's advice and keep avoiding Sienna until he got over her. Or he could go see her and apologize.
"Stop thinking and just go to her." Mae tossed his keys onto his lap. "It's 6:30 on a Thursday night. What else could she be doing?"
So, Matt stands up and leaves the room. Claire and Mae trailing behind him. Chris fist bumps him when he passes him in the kitchen.
"If this goes badly, I blame you guys." Claire nods, amusement in her eyes. Then, Matt walks out the door.
Matt feels like he's about to shit himself. This was not what he expected to happen tonight, or ever for that matter, but he's doing it. He's going to be honest with her and himself. He's gonna tell Sienna how he feels.
He's about to pull up outside, when he spots a car sitting in front of her house. Just as he's about to pull over, he sees the person in the passenger seat lean over and kiss whoever was driving. Then, Sienna gets out.
Matt stops pulling into the curb and keeps going down the street, probably looking like he's drunk or something as he swerved. As he keeps driving, he catches a glimpse of Josh sitting in the drivers seat, face red and smiling. He wishes that he could be the one in that seat tonight. The pair doesn't seem to notice him drive by, the first and only win he's gotten tonight. Before he can ever turn off the street, his phone is buzzes with texts from Claire.
Claire: don't go talk to her rn
Claire: i'll explain when you get home.A little late for that. He's already passed the house, his heart breaking more and more every second that he thinks about it. Of course Sienna would like Josh, he was nice and handsome. And he had the guts to ask her to the Winter Ball. Something that Matt probably wouldn't have done, even if he had realized his feelings sooner.
When he walked back into his house, he was greeted by Nick and Claire. Both unaware of what Matt had seen, thinking that they were about to break the news to him.
"So, before I say anything. I really didn't expect this to happen." Claire tried to explain, but Matt kept walking.
"I saw it. I saw her kiss him. Can I go sulk now?"
"Matt. Sulking isn't going to fix anything." Nick tried to grab his shoulder to pull him back, but Matt pulled away and went to his room, leaving Nick and Claire to watch him go back into the hole that they had finally pulled him from.

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘
Fanfic𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 Sienna and Matt have been best friends since the ninth grade, until newly realized feelings and jealously push them apart, and eventually b...