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• Matt •

It certainly wasn't unusual for Matt to pick up Sienna on a school night, especially not when he was also bringing his brothers. He still felt awkward about it every time, though.

Chris and Nick had long since given up on trying to set the two up, seeing absolutely no progress in their relationship after they meddled in it. However, they watched everything they did like a hawk, trying to get any confirmation that the pair had feelings for each other, and they never shut up about it. So far, they had nothing. Either they really didn't like each other, or they were damn good at hiding it.

"Chris, don't be an idiot. Just get in the car." Matt just wanted to leave, they were filming a little earlier than normal so that they could get Sienna home by her curfew, but Chris was making it impossible for them to leave.

"Just give me one more minute! I'm trying to find my wallet!" Chris' voice rang through the car speakers, louder than Matt and Nick had realized it was, causing them to jump when he finally spoke.

"At this point, I'll pay for you. Just get in the car."

Matt dropped his head into his hands, one of his brothers was always running late whenever he had things to do. He should've known that today wouldn't be an exception.

"Anxious to see Sienna?" Nick piped up from the back.

"Why would I be anxious? I just wanna make sure we get a good video before she has to be home." Nick gave him a knowing look, Matt didn't know what exactly he thought he knew, but he didn't like the implications.

Matt breathed a sign of relief when Chris finally hopped in the car a minute later, holding his wallet up in the air triumphantly.


Matt pulled into a spot in an empty parking lot. Sienna had been sitting up front with him, but she and Chris had agreed to swap seats for the video as he always sat in the front. She now sat in the back with Nick, Matt couldn't quite hear what they were talking about and he wished he could.

Chris finally hopped back in the car after setting up the phone to record and checking that everyone was in frame. They had agreed to do a tier list video, but just about whatever they wanted. Chris had some fan suggestions on his phone, just in case they really couldn't think of anything, but with Sienna and Nick in the back, it was pretty unlikely that they would run out of ideas.

"Oh! Highlighter colors!" Sienna called out from the backseat, immediately getting a positive reaction out of Nick.

"Yellow will always be superior." Chris stated, he didn't see the glare that Sienna sent his way.

The video had quickly devolved from a tier list to just what was the best and what was the worst of each category. Matt had to admit, it was cute how intense Sienna got about some of the things they talked about. Highlighter colors was something that he never thought she would have such a strong opinion on, but he liked it. Chris caught his eye and he looked away from his friend. His friend.

"Absolutely not, Chris. Pink is the best. Green sucks ass, though." Sienna said it like everyone should know it, and Matt latched onto it immediately.

"Green is the worst. I am a fan of pink and yellow, though. Pink makes your notes more fun." Matt weighed in on the conversation, he really just voiced his opinion, but his brothers weren't so convinced.

"Of course you would side with your girlfriend." Chris huffed, crossing his arms and sinking down in his seat in mock irritation.

"We're not dating!" Matt and Sienna said it at the same time, both quickly moving the hide the hint of pink on their cheeks after Chris' comment.

"You act like it." Nick piped up this time, finally pulling his attention away from whatever he was reading on his phone.

Before either of them could argue with Chris, an alarm went off on Sienna's phone, alerting them that they had to start the drive back to her house. Chris quickly ended the video and Matt began to pull out of the parking lot.


"You're really going to tell me that you and Sienna don't have anything going on?" Nick could never be convinced that the pair were just friends, no matter how many times the assured him they were. "I mean you didn't even invite us to the McDonalds date yesterday!"

"I wanted to spend some one on one time with my best friend! What's wrong with that?" Matt could never understand why his brothers were so convinced that he and Sienna were dating in secret, or at least had something romantic going on.

"There's levels to relationships. You and Sienna completely miss the mark on friends. You're like a million times over dating. You guys literally cannot stand to be without each other in some way or another for more than like 12 hours."

Matt wanted to argue with that. But he knew it was true. Sienna and him were always on a call, hanging out, or texting. The longest that they had gone without talking was when he had stayed up for way too long and slept for 15 hours.

"Fuck off, dude. You know that if we were together that I'd tell you." In Matt's mind, that was the perfect argument. Why wouldn't he tell his brothers if he was in a relationship?

"You definitely wouldn't. After all this time that we've been talking about it, you'd 100% keep it a secret."

Matt just shook his head, turning off the car and gathering his things. He could tell that Chris and Nick were waiting for his response, but he didn't have one. In a way they were right, he wouldn't tell them right away, but he wouldn't wait months to tell them.

When the boys walked into the house, they found it quiet. Their parents were probably asleep already, good for Matt because his brothers couldn't start and argument with him in the kitchen. He made his way to his room quickly, feeling the presence of his brothers behind him and he made his way through the home.

"You like her at the very least. It's obvious, man. Just make a move or something!"

"Nope!" Matt closed the door to his room, successfully blocking his brothers out. How could they not get it through their heads that Matt and Sienna were just friends? No romantic feelings involved, and there never would be.

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now