Chapter one: coming home

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short an: im not good at grammar and my keyoard is German so I'm rlly sorry enjoy it <3 Btw I think that this song fits very good. Love yallll<3

Joy's pov: It was late at night when i came home. I looked at my homescreen: 2:07 a.m. ''God its so late again'', i said while turning my car's engine off.

I was really tired because I had a hard day at work. I worked as a actress and thats the reason why I came home late very often.

I looked at my homescreen again and started smiling. My backround was a picture of me and my girlfriend. We've been together for two and a half years now.

A single message popped up <Clyde: Hey how was your day? :D Wanna meet up tomorrow with me and Hetty?> I quickly locked my car. There was one good thing about being a famous actress: U get A LOT of money like A LOT. After locking my car I respondet:''Of courseeee I would love toooooo. Btw can Kolf come too?''. I put my phone in my backpocket and started walking to the entrance of my house.

When I finally found the keys I wanted to open the door but again:I got a message. It was from Clyde:''I and Hetty have no problem..but I thought you haven't  come out yet?'' I sighed and put my phone in my pocked again. Clyde was right. Why was he always f*cking right? I didn't respond to Clyde's Text and so I opened the door and walked into my house.

I wanted to say something but them I rememberd that it was 2a.m. ans Kolf was probably asleep. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen. I froze. I didnt move. Not even a single inch. ''What the heck is going on'', I thought.

Again: noises. It sounded weird...kinda like someone who is crying. ''Hunny, Kolf'', I said and walked to the kitchen.

We had a wodden house. When Kolf and i decided to build this home we agreed  that we dont want that much walls, because withought walls we would have more space and there would be more light in the house.

After taking seven big stepps I finally stood in the kitchen and looked at a person who looked exacly like the person I've built this house with. I turned on the light. ''Ah oh my fucking god turn that off'', Kolf shouted.

I looked at the table. One-two-three.four empty and one half filled Vodka bottles stood on the table, Kolf was holding the half filled one in their hands. '' Oh Kolf, hunny'',I said,'' what are you doing?'' ''Drinking, obviously'', they respondet quickly.

I knew that they had a drinking problem since they got se*ually abused. I knew that they were going through a hard time rn and I've always been there for them.

My phone started ringing. Clyde was calling me. I completely turned off power and sat down. Kolf started shaking and I knew what was going on. They had a panic attack:They started shaking heavier and I hugged them really tight. Kolf started crying and after ten minutes they started to calm down a bit.

''I'm so so sorry Joy'', they said,''I such a asshole and such a bad girlfriend'' ''No, no you're not I will always love you no matter what'',I said while holding my sobbing girlfriend in my arms.

After twenty minutes they started to fall asleep. I carried them upstairs to our room, like a husband his wife after marrying. It was 3:04 a.m. ''I love you'', they said after I laid them down in our bed. ''I love you more'', I whispered. They smiled and mumbled smth like ''not possible'' but I couldnt understand them very well. I layed down next to them and cuddled them until they fell asleep and so did I.


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