The Angels Meet Again

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The sun was high on the horizon. It was safe to assume it was about noon. The group was bustling to life inside their newly found safe haven, a prison, in which everyone was sorting themselves into their new lives. They were exhausted, yet a handful of things still needed to be done. They had only gotten into the prison a few days before.

Glenn Rhee stood in one of the guard towers of the prison keeping watch; despite the fences, the group liked the extra insurance of safety. The rifle sat firmly in his hands as he slowly paced around the tower. 

He blinked a few times at the blur of black darting past one of the fences. Rubbing his eyes, he readjusted the rifle on his shoulders; squinting through the scope he studied the tree line again. There was no sign of the black blur or what could've caused it, just walkers, but they didn't move fast enough unless there was a sign of food, but even then, they hopelessly tripped on one another. 

Glenn shook it off, it probably was nothing. Every day Glenn took watch at the same time; the same black blur darted across the fence almost at clockwork. "Am I going insane?" he thought. Yet as the third day approached, the rest of the group cleaning out parts of the prison, he was ready with his rifle in hand, looking through the scope. The tail was what caught his attention first. He fixed his attention further ahead, and the figure of a horse galloping through the forest with a person on its back almost startled him. 

It couldn't be, he thought, so the next day Maggie joined him on the guard tower. She was confused as to why he had dragged her up here, only telling her to keep her eyes glued to the tree line. She got ready with a pair of binoculars, and as the horse came into view, she stared dumbstruck. 

"Who is that?" She questioned as she did her best to keep up with the horse and rider duo. 

"I have no idea," Glenn tried to keep an eye on the pair, "It's the fourth day I've seen them."

The couple watched as the horse slowed down as it made its way out of the trees in front of the gravel road that led to the main gates. The horse reared at the sight of a small crowd of walkers, a few trying to grab onto either the horse or the rider. Maggie grabbed her gun before climbing down the tower. 

"Maggie, where are you going?" Glenn yelled as she was already halfway down the tower.

"I'm not going to sit and watch as a person and their horse are being torn apart." Glenn groaned before following after her. The sight of the two of them running caught the attention of Carl Grimes, the youngest in the group; he didn't ask what was going on; he just pulled out his gun and darted after the others. As the two, now three, ran towards the gate, the rider continued to fight off the walkers. 

The rider furiously stabbed and slashed at the walkers, slowly dwindling their numbers. Glenn ripped open the gates. The rider's head swiveled as a gunshot rang through the air; a walker that was about to bite down on their leg now lay on the ground. A pool of blood-forming underneath the remains of its head. 

Maggie stood, her gun trained on another walker. "Come on!" She screamed, motioning for the rider as Glenn took down a walker with his knife. The rider kicked their horse forward as they bent to the side, grasping the arrows lodged in some walker's head and yanking them out, sticking them back in their quiver. 

Glenn slammed the gates shut as the horse darted past the gates into the open field. Carl, who had been watching the whole ordeal, grabbed onto the rider's leg, yanking them off the horse, they fell to the ground. The rider let out a yelp, their hand finding the large knife attached to their hip. Yet, as they gazed past the hood of their cape, they found a gun trained on them. They gulped, raising their hands in the air. "I don't want any trouble." 

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