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It was easy to see that the people around here all had jobs, some less obvious than others, but nonetheless, these jobs helped keep them alive. Shaye was just struggling to figure out where her place was. 

Shaye was welcomed with open arms by the group but that didn't change the guilt. She noticed how Carl and Beth were left to be confined by the walls of the prison and had no problem with it. Shaye on the other hand, could already feel herself itching to get out. So when the sun was barely peeking through the windows of the cell block her bow was already in hand. 

The cell block was silent, signaling Shaye that no one else was currently awake. She silenced her steps as she made her way outside. Daryl stood by the gate, a small smirk on his lips as he looked behind his shoulder "took you long enough."

Shaye huffed "if you're complaining about time you should've woke me up."

"And deal with the monster?" 

A look of surprise washed over Shaye's features "you still remember that?"  

Daryl swung the gate open, laughing as he slung his arm over his daughter's shoulders. "Hell yeah. Even with your love of hunting, good luck waking you up."

"I wasn't that bad." Shaye tried to defend herself, but even she couldn't keep a stern look on her face as her father shot her a look that read you have to be kidding right?

Daryl chuckled, ruffling his daughter's hair. He reached in his pocket to grab his set of keys, throwing open the secondary gate. It was almost instantaneous as the humor left them as they left the security of the prison's fences. Their small grins were now straightened out and the harsh expressions of the Dixon's were back. 

Daryl took a moment to drop a walker with a simple slash of his knife before he turned to look at his daughter. She gave him a small nod of reassurance. This for sure wasn't going to be one of their old hunting trips.


A few hours had passed before anyone at the prison got their first glances at the Dixon's for the day. Despite the group knowing of their plan to go out hunting in the morning, it still caught Rick off guard to see both of them gone by the time he woke up. 

Their boots now bore more mud and debris from the forest floor as they stalked into the cell block. Daryl dropped the rope that he had strung the two of their kills on one of the metal tables before promptly grabbing his ideal knife for skinning. The group looked at the squirrels and the few rabbits in awe. 

Shaye had already untethered the leg of one of the rabbits when Carol made her way to the table. She flashed the two Dixons with a meek smile "do you need any help?" 

Carol's smile faded when she only received shakes of their head as a response. Nevertheless, she forced a smile "thanks for getting some meat. I'll start cooking up something to go along with it." 

The rest of the group watched Carol's retreating figure as she began to rummage through one of the boxes, shuffling for a can or two of vegetables. The two Dixons, despite not a sound coming out of their lips, seemed to be in their own little world as they skinned their kills. 

Rick cleared his throat, glancing between Glenn, T-Dog and Maggie. "Start gearing up, we're gonna clear some of the courtyard." 

"What about Daryl?" Glenn questioned.

It wasn't that the group was incapable of diminishing the number of walkers locked behind gates without Daryl there; the group just felt safer with his presence. "We won't open the gate yet, we'll just pick a few of them off through the fence while we wait for him to be done." Rick strapped his gun and machete to his belt "Hershel, can you tell him where to meet us when he's done?"

Hershel nodded his head before he kissed Maggie's forehead, wishing her luck. Lori took a step toward her husband, a tentative hand on Carl's shoulder. "I can lend a hand."

"Not gonna happen" Rick promptly shutting her down as he looked at her swollen stomach. Her forehead creased in annoyance but agreed nonetheless. 

Carl was next one to plead with Rick to help. The young boy looked up to his dad, his shaggy brown hair slightly grazing his eyes as he fought to find the words that would convince his dad to let him help. 

Rick was lost in thought as he debated it, Lori was shaking her head in disagreement. Even though it would be safer than letting him outside the prison fences, risks were still present. But it didn't change the fact that Carl was growing and he needed to be accustomed to taking down walkers himself.

It was entertaining to see the big smile that spread across Carl's face as he followed after the group, making their way outside to handle the matter. 


I feel like this was a pointless chapter and I apologize. But anyway, I appreciate you guys still reading xo

I also am so appreciative for the people who are voting on my chapters. You guys might not think its a big deal but it really means the world to me that you guys like my story. 

I'll see you next chapter and I promise it'll be better.

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