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A few days had passed since Shaye's arrival at the prison.

In these long days that felt like an eternity due to all the hard work Shaye endured alongside the group. Shaye felt as though she was beginning to learn more about these people. Of course, people change at the drop of a dime, and who you thought they were would become nothing more than a memory, Shaye had learned enough to know how to approach each member. 

Rick, being the leader, expected everyone to come to him no matter the scenario to avoid conflict between them. However, the stress of his failing marriage and raising his son weighed heavily on his shoulders accompanied by the people who looked up to him, expecting to see a man who had his life together and protected the lives around him. 

Rick had a friendly deposition but wavered on the brink of a break from time to time. Daryl had informed his daughter of how the group came to be; how Rick's best friend and coworker was the original leader before Rick was reunited with his family and how this man named Shane had fallen in love with Lori and that was his downfall. 

Daryl didn't have to tell Shaye that Rick took the life of a living human for her to know. Rick carried a dark flame within his eyes; one that spoke of devotion to his family that would stop at nothing to keep them alive and well. 

Shaye made a mental note to attempt to be her best self if she was in Rick's line of sight. Shaye knew that if she crossed a boundary she would be thrown out without a second thought and Daryl would follow. The teenager had noticed that despite her father's cold demeanor most of the time, he had warmed up to these people and that was rarity in Daryl's life. Daryl Dixon was never comfortable around people yet, somehow, he didn't completely mind being in this group. 

Lori, Rick's wife was another story. She carried the burden of being hated by her husband and her son while being pregnant. Shaye was not the biggest fan of Lori. Upon Shaye's arrival Lori had made it known of her excitement to have a teen in the group around Carl's age. In spite of that, after hearing and seeing what Shaye was capable of, she didn't hide her disdain of Shaye as she would pull Carl away to another table while everyone would eat their meals, or call Carl over when he and Shaye would share a few words. Lori was a hypocrite in simple words and it made it hard to respect her. 

Carl, however, he kept his distance from Shaye half the time. But the other half, he gravitated toward her when she would be praised by Carl's own father or other members of the group. It was obvious Carl seeked acceptance from his father, but no one could blame him especially since Shaye's arrival. Shaye was like a copy of Daryl. Everyone depended on Daryl and now, they were beginning to depend on her for her skills. Carl was nothing like his father and tried so hard to be like him, but to be like him was essentially scraping everything about Carl and rebuild him with his father in mind. Carl wanted people to respect him instead of treating him like a little kid who was scarred of his own shadow. 

Carl strived to be more than what he was. The young teenager was a good shot when it came to guns but you couldn't solely rely on them; yes, they took down walkers quickly but the sound they created caused more to gather. Let alone ammo was worth more than gold ever was now a days, you had to conserve your ammunition to the best of your ability. 

Shaye figured this was the reason why Carl approached her while she was out in the field, watching as Raven pranced around the yard with no care in the world. Shaye had heard his footsteps, she didn't acknowledge his presence even when he stopped a few feet behind her. 

"It's a nice day" Carl stated. He was unsure how to approach her, she was so much like Daryl in so many ways and not knowing her for long added to his hesitation. 

Shaye chuckled, amused by his opening statement "yes, yes it is." 

She hadn't turned to face him yet, she remained gazing out into the field. For a moment, the girl was content in the new world. There were a few walkers still clinging to the outer fences but she didn't mind it one bit. It was like she was taunting them, freely walking about while they clung to the hope of catching their next meal. 

"Shaye, could you do me a favor?" 

Shaye began to stare curiously at Carl, her mind sorting through the possibilities of what could Carl need or want, that he couldn't ask the members of the group he had known for much longer. 

Carl stood, awkward in his stance. He debated on just turning around and disappearing out of sight. He was too deep already, it was now or never; if he didn't ask Shaye now, he never would. "Can you teach me?" his hand lifted from his side, motioning toward the gun on his waist. "Teach me how to survive without this?" 

Shaye remained silent after that, staring at Carl, her lips turned forming into a devious grin. She nodded her head "thought you'd never ask cowboy." 

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