Chapter 10

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After lessons Deimos quickly runs up to the dorms to check on his creatures, opening his case he climbs in "Hey babies." he smiles as his creatures chirp, squeak or hiss in greeting. Smiling he heads over to Sprig "Hey buddy, you want to come meet Hagrid?" he asks. Sprig climbs off the branch he's stood on and climbs onto Deimos' hand "I'll take that as a yes." Deimos smiles. Quickly he goes checks on the others "Okay, I'll be back to feed you all later." he tells them before climbing out the case. "You ready now?" Ron asks. Deimos rolls his eyes "I had to check on them." he responds. Ron shakes his head "Come on." he tells his brother. Deimos sighs and follows Ron out the dormitory and into the common room where Harry is waiting "We're ready, Deimos wanted to check on his creatures." Ron tells him.

The three friends walk out the common room and leave the castle, making their way across the grounds to Hagrid's small wooden house on the edge of the forbidden forest. Harry knocks on the door and they suddenly hear frantic scrabbling from inside and several booming barks. "Back, Fang, back." Hagrid says from inside. Hagrid pears out "Hang on. Back, Fang." he says before letting them in, struggling to keep hold of the collar of an enormous black boarhound. They walk in to find a room with an enormous bed with a quilt on and a table and chairs "Make yerselves at home." Hagrid tells them, letting go of Fang who immediately goes over to Deimos and starts licking his ears. Deimos smiles and stroked the giant boarhound "This is Ron and Deimos." Harry tells Hagrid, who pours boiling water into a large teapot and puts some rock cakes onto a plate. "More Weasley's, eh? I spent half me life chasin' yer twin brothers away from the forest." Hagrid tells them. Fangs carries on licking Deimos making him carry on streaking the dog "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy. You are." Deimos tells him as Fang leans into the strokes. Hagrid smiles at the currently pink haired boy "Deimos is good with creatures. He has a case like Newt Scamander's, he's also got his bowtruckle on his at the minute." Ron explains. "Yer welcome to come see Fang anytime." Hagrid tells Deimos. "Thank you." Deimos smiles, scratching behind Fangs' ears.

The three of them go on to tell Hagrid about their first week at Hogwarts, happy to hear Hagrid call Filch "that old git." Deimos continues to sit on the floor with Fang, introducing him to Sprig who chirps at the dog every now and then "An' as fer that cat, Mrs Norris, I'd like ter introduce her to Fang sometime. D'yeh know, every time I go up ter the school, she follows me everywhere? Can't get rid of her, Filch puts her up to it." Hagrid tells them. "You want to meet Mrs Norris, Fang?" Deimos asks. Fang tilts his head making Deimos smile and stroke his under the chin. Deimos sones out,playing with Fang as Harry tells Hagrid about Snape's lesson "But he seemed to really hate me." he finishes. "Rubbish! Why should he?" Hagrid asks before turning to Ron and Deimos "How's yer brother Charlie? I liked him a lot, great with animals. A bit like Deimos here." he asks. "He's good, he's working with Dragons in Romania. Said that he'll take me to see then in the summer." Deimos grins. "I'd love a Dragon, fascinating creatures." Hagrid smiles. "Me too, they all so gorgeous." Deimos agrees. "Hagrid! That Gringotts break-in happened on my birthday! It might've been happening while we were there!" Harry exclaims after reading an article about the break-in on Hagrid's table. Hagrid doesn't respond but starts asking Deimos about what creatures he has and what he'd like to get in the future.

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