A/N: Competition

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Hey Guys,
For my new Harry Potter fic I wanted to get you guys involved in creating four characters. One being Harry's sibling and the others being Rosekiller (Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch jr), Wolfstar (Sirius and Remus) and Dorlene (Dorcas and Marlene) 's children. I will choose my favourite ones for each family. I will also be getting everyone involved at the end of each chapter, seeing what people want to happen in the next chapter/school year
Comment at the end answering the following prompts:

1. Parents, Jegulus and Marylily or Rosekiller or Dorlene or Wolfstar
2. Name and nicknames (who calls them those nicknames)
3. Birthday
4. Older or younger than Harry (by how much?)
5. Gender and Sexuality
6. Speak any languages
7. Natural hair colour and style
8. Natural eye colour
9. Metamorphmagus, if so favourite hair and eye colours
10. Face claim
11. God Parents
12. Hogwarts House
13. Friends
14. Possible Love interest
15. Optimistic or pessimistic
16. Introverted or extroverted
17. Boggart
18. Quidditch player yes/no (if so what position?)
19. Favourite subject
20. Least favourite subject
21. Patronus
22. Wand wood and core
23. Prefect and/or head boy/girl
24. Pets
25. Any other details you want included

Good luck, you have til 25th October (uk time zone)

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