Chapter 17

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As November rolls in the weather turns very cold, the mountains around the school becoming an icy gray as the lake chills and frost covers the grass. The week of the first Quidditch arrives making Deimos anxiously reading and going through all the tactics Wood had given him, along with the ones Bill and Charlie sent him "Deimos, calm down. You're all good, you've gone through the tactics ten times in the last hour and a half." Fred tells him the day before the game. "But what if I forget them?!" Deimos asks. "You won't." George reassures him. "But..." Deimos starts. "Nope." Fred tells him, taking the tactics off him. "Hey!" Deimos exclaims. "You've got the plays to a T, we'll give this back tomorrow." George tells him, motioning to the book. "But the game is tomorrow." Deimos points out. "We know."the twins respond. "Fine." Deimos mumbles. "Hey Dei, we're going out to the courtyard if you want to come." Hermione tells him, stopping next to him with Harry and Ron. "Yeah, let me just grab Sprig. I promised him I'd take him outside at some point today." Deimos nods, running up to the dorm and getting Sprig from the case.

The four friends head out to the freezing courtyard and sit round a bright blue fire that Hermione conjured, Snape limping over making the four of them hide the fire behind them "What's that you've got there, Potter?" he asks. Harry shows the copy of Quidditch Through the Ages he's reading "Library books are not to be taken outside the school. Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor." Snape says, taking the book and limping off. "He's just made that rule up. Wonder what's wrong with his leg?" Harry asks. "Dunno, but I hope it's really hurting him." Ron says bitterly. Deimos sighs and grabs a bug, giving it to Spring who is in his scarf keeping himself warm. Hermione smiles and accios a few bugs, collecting them and giving them to the bowtruckle "What do you say Sprig?" Deimos asks. Sprig chirps at Hermione, making her smile "You're very welcome Sprig." she tells him. Deimos smiles and strokes Sprigs head softly "Good boy Buddy." he praises. "I still don't get how they can understand you and you can understand them." Ron tells his brother. Deimos shrugs "We just do." he responds.

That evening Deimos sits in the common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione as they do their homework. Deimos draws a picture of a dragon as Hermione checks Harry and Ron's homework for them "I'm going to get my book back." Harry decides, standing up. "Better you than me" the other three tell him simultaneously. Harry shakes his head and walks out the common room "How did you do your homework so fast?" Ron asks Deimos. "I have nothing better to do. I just go into my case and spend time with my creatures while doing it." Deimos tells him with a shrug. "How?" Ron asks. Deimos shrugs in response, carrying on with his drawing "What you drawing?" Hermione asks. "My baby." Deimos responds. "He means the baby dragon Charlie is looking after." Ron tells Hermione. "Rosie?" Hermione asks. "Yeah." Deimos nods with a smile. "How do you know what she looks like?" Ron asks. "Charlie sent me a picture." Deimos responds, not looking up. Ron rolls his eyes as Deimos starts adding all the details, as he finishes the drawing Harry walks in "Did you get it? What's the matter?" Ron asks. Harry goes on to explain that he saw Snape with Filch, getting a large cu on his leg wrapped "You know what this means? He tried to get past that three-headed dog at Halloween! That's where he was going when we saw him, he's after whatever it's guarding! And I'd bet my broomstick he let that troll in, to make a diversion!" he finishes.

"No he wouldn't. I know he's not very nice, but he wouldn't try and steal something Dumbledore was keeping safe." Hermione tells them. "Honestly, Hermione, you think all teachers are saints or something. I'm with Harry. I wouldn't put anything past Snape. But what's he after? What's that dog guarding?" Ron asks. "I'm with Hermione, Snape may not be the best but he wouldn't go against Dumbledore." Deimos says, shaking his head. "Just because he likes you and your a teacher's pet." Ron glares. Deimos gets up "I'm going to be." he tells them. "Dei, we haven't even had dinner yet." Hermione says as he walks away. "Not hungry." he mutters, walking up the stairs to his dorm. "Well done." Hermione glares at Ron. "What?" Ron asks. Hermione shakes her head and goes over to the twins "Ron's upset Deimos, he's gone up to his dorm." she tells them. "Thanks Hermione." they respond, getting up and walking up to the dorms.

Deimos lies on his bed with Spring in his hair "Deimos? What you doing up here?" George asks. "'M fine." Deimos responds. Fred and George roll their eyes and climb onto the end of his bed "Hermione said Ron was being an idiot." George tells him. "Just the usual." Deimos tells them. "How about we go do something fun?" Fred suggests. "We could go to the kitchens." George tells him. Deimos shakes his head "I'm just going to get an early night before the game tomorrow." He responds. "You need to eat." the twins tell him. "Not hungry. If I get hungry I have food in my case." Deimos shrugs. They both give him a look "I'm fine, just tired." Deimos responds. "Okay, we'll see you later." Fred tells him. "Ignore Ron." George adds as they leave the room. Deimos nods and changes into his pyjamas, climbing under his covers and going to sleep.

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