Chapter 11

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As the weeks go on Deimos gains a routine for each day: wake up, feed his creatures, go for breakfast and lessons, go back to see his creatures and feed them their dinner, go to dinner himself, head back to the common room and do his homework (or spend time with his brothers and new found friend), go to bed, repeat the next day. One morning as he heads down to breakfast with Ron and Harry they spot a new notice on the notice board; flying lessons would be starting Thursday, Gryffindor and Slytherin together. "Typical. Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy." Harry groans. "You don't know that you'll make a fool of yourself. Anyway, I know Malfoy's always going on about how good he is at Quidditch, but I bet that's all talk." Ron assures him. The two friends look at Deimos "What?" he asks. "You know anything about how good he is?" Ron asks. "Why would I?" Deimos asks. "Your twin." Ron shrugs. "One that I don't live with. In case you forgot I live with you and the rest of our family." Deimos glares. "You still talk to him." Ron tells him. "Barely. You really think that his father would let him talk to me in the first place?" Deimos retorts before storming out of the common room.

Walking into the Great Hall Deimos goes sits with Fred and George who are sat with their friend Lee, not noticing his hair going a fiery red "What happened?" Fred asks. "Ron happened." Deimos responds, glaring at his breakfast. "What he do this time?" George asks. "Asked me about Draco and if I know if he's telling the truth about being good at Quidditch. When I said I didn't he reminded me that Draco is my twin and I talk to him. He basically reminded me that I barely know anything about my own twin." Deimos explains. "Ignore him." Fred starts. "It's what we tend to do." George adds. "Besides you're one of us." they finish at the same time. Deimos smiles weakly "Thanks." he tells them quietly, his hair going a light purple. Just then Harry and Ron walk in, sitting next to them, Fred and George giving Ron a glare each "Anything from home?" Deimos asks Fred. "Nah, not since a few days ago." Fred responds, ruffling Deimos' hair. Suddenly a barn owl drops a small package in front of Neville, smiling he opens it excitedly "It's a Remembrall! Gran knows I forget things, this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this and if it turns red- oh..." Neville explains holding up a small marble like glass ball with white smoke in, which turns red "You've forgotten something..." Neville finishes, trying to work out what he's forgotten.

Deimos looks up about to speak when Draco walks over and snatches the Rememberall out of Neville's hands, Harry and Ron immediately jump to their feet but before they can do anything McGonagall appears "What's going on?" she asks. "Malfoy's got my Remembrall, Professor." Neville explains. Draco drop the Rememberall onto the table with a scowl "Just looking." he says before walking off with Crabbe and Goyle following. Shaking his head Deimos turns to Neville "Nev, you've forgotten your robe." he tells him. "Thanks Dei (pronounced Dee)." Neville smiles, jumping up and rushing off to get his robe from their dorms. Deimos carries on eating, smiling as he hears Fred and George planning their next prank; shaking his head he goes to say something when an owl land in front of him. Smiling Deimos takes the letter from it's leg and gives it some left over toast before it flies off "Who's it from?" Ron asks with his mouth full. "Tonks." Deimos responds as he opens it.

How is Hogwarts so far? Made any friends yet? What house you get into? How are classes? Mum and dad said they'll send you a package with snacks and stuff, probably some homemade cookies from mum as well. Mum told me to remind you to write to her soon, I think she wants to check on her nephew. I'll see if I can come see you round Christmas, depends what's going on in the Auror department. Besides you know what Mad Eye is like. Remember what I said about the Mooncalf, ask Hagrid to show you.
Make sure to write back soon, I want to hear how my baby cousin is.
Tonks xxx

Deimos smiles and puts the letter in his bag, making note to respond later "Any news?" Ron asks. "No, just checking in." Deimos responds. "Who's Tonks?" Harry asks. "My cousin, she's great. She's a metamorphagus like me, she's been helping me control my abilities." Deimos explains. "I'm guessing she's older than us?" Harry questions. Deimos nods "Yeah, she's 18 nearly 19, she graduated last year." he responds. Fred and George turn to face them "We'll see you later Dei." Fred tells him. "Remember what we said." George adds as they stand up, ruffle his hair and leave. "What'd they say?" Ron asks in confusion. "Doesn't matter." Deimos tells him.

That afternoon Deimos follows Ron and Harry to the flying grounds, for their first flying lesson. Walking over they find that the Slytherins are already there along with Madam Hooch and the broomsticks "Well, what are you all waiting for? Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up." she tells everyone. Everyone stands next to a broom and look to Madam Hooch for their next instruction. "Stick out your right hand over your broom and say 'Up!"' she tells everyone. There's a chorus of people shouting "Up!" Deimos' broom shoots straight into his hand making him smile. Looking round he sees that only he, Harry, Dtaco and a couple others had been successful on their first try. Hermione's was rolling on the ground and Neville's hadn't moved at all, Ron's flies up and smackers him in the face making Deimos and Harry snicker "Shut up!" he groans. Madam Hooch works her way along and instructs them on how to mount their brooms, without sliding off the end. Both Harry and Ron grin at each other as she tells Dtaco that he'd been doing it wrong for years, Deimos rolls at them but smiles when Madame Hooch tells him that he's doing it perfectly.
Madam Hooch goes back to the front of the lines and turns to face them "Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle, three, two-" she starts but before she can say one Neville goes flying up. Deimos bites his lip in worry, his hair going a light brown as Neville rises higher and higher clearly panicking "Come back, boy!" Madam Hooch shouts. Neville notices how high he is and falls off sideways in fright, landing with a thud and a snap. Madam Jooch rushes over and crouches down next to Neville "Broken wrist. Come on boy, it's all right, up you get. None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come on, dear." she says, walking off with Neville towards the castle.

Heemione looks at Deimos "Will he be alright?" she asks. Deimos nods "Bones are easy to mend. Especially by a trained healer like Madame Pomfrey." he assures her. "Did you see his face, the great lump?" Draco laughs, the other Slytherins joining in. "Shut up, Malfoy!" Parvati snaps. "Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom? Never thought you'd like fat little crybabies, Parvati." Pansy, a Slytherin girl smirks. "Look! It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him." Draco grins, bending down and picking up Neville's Rememberall. "Give that here, Malfoy." Harry tells him. "I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about... up a tree?" Draco smirks. "Give it here!" Harry yells. "Draco don't!" Deimos adds. Draco ignores them and climbs onto his broom, flying up and hovering level with the tops of the trees. Glaring Deimos grabs a broom and follows after his twin "Deimos, stop!" Heemione exclaims. "Come and join us Potter!" Draco calls down, making Harry grab his own broom and follow them.

Harry flies up and hovers next to Deimos "Give it here or I'll knock you off that broom!" Harry tells Draco. "Oh, yeah?" Draco sneers, looking slightly worried. Glaring Deimos speeds over and snatches the rememberall from his twin, Draco goes to snatch it back making Deimos look at Harry "Catch!" he exclaims, throwing the rememberall. Draco glares and goes to land as Deimos watches Harry dart after the rememberall, doing a nose dive and catching it a foot from the ground. Smiling Deimos flies over and lands next to Harry, highfiving him "HARRY POTTER! DEIMOS MALFOY WEASLEY!" McGonagall shouts as she storms out the castle. The two boys lower their heads "Never, in all my time at Hogwarts. How dare you... might have broken your neck!" the Professor exclaims. "It wasn't his fault, Professor-" Parvati starts. "Be quiet, Miss Patil." McGonagall cuts her off. "But Malfoy-" Ron tries. "That's enough, Mr. Weasley. Potter, Malfoy Weasley, follow me, now." McGonagall tells Harry and Deimos. The two boys start following her into the school, noticing Crabbe and Goyle looking triumphant and Draco sending Deimos an apologetic look. Deimos sends his twin a glare before following Harry and McGonagall inside.

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