Chapter 14

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The next morning Deimos sits at the Gryffindor table, head resting on his hand as he eats "You alright Deimos?" George asks, the twins sitting either side of him. "Hm? Yeah, just tired." Deimos responds, yawing straight after as Ron and Harry join them at the table. "Ron, any idea why our brother is dead on his feet?" Fred asks. "We were up late talking last night and he always gets up early to feed his pets." Ron responds. "They are NOT my 'pets', they're my friends." Deimos glares. Ron rolls his eyes slightly making Deimos stand up and storm out the Great Hall "Deimos, wait up!" George call after him, both he and Fred jumping up and following after him. Deimos slows down enough for them to catch up with him "Come back to breakfast." Fred starts. "You need to eat something." George finishes. "Fine but I'm not talking to Ronald." Deimos tells them, letting them drag him back to the Gryffindor table. The three of them sit down, Hermione near them "Are you alright Deimos?" she asks. "Yeah, Ron just insulted my creatures which annoyed me." Deimos responds. "You have creatures, could I meet them?" Hermione asks. "Sure, you'd have to come to my dorm room though." Deimos tells her. "That's fine. Could I come after dinner tonight?" she asks. "Sounds good." Deimos nods.

After eating dinner with Hermione, having ignored Ron the whole day, Deimos leads her to his dorm and opens his case "They're all in there? Have you got an undetectable extension charm on it?" Hermione asks, intrigued. "Yeah, Dad's colleague gave it to him as he had a spare. Dad gave it to me to keep my creatures in, the only one who isn't in here is my owl." Deimos explains, climbing into the case with Hermione following. Opening the door, Deimos leads Hermione out into the main part of the case "It's like Newt Scamander's case, the one who wrote-" he starts. "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Hermione says at the same time as him. Deimos nod and smiles "Yeah, he's my hero. My brothers Bill and Charlie tell me I'm like a reincarnation of him, even though he's still alive." he chuckles. "I can see why." Hermione says, looking round. Just then Scuttle runs over with Sprig on his back "Hello you two, I brought a friend to meet you and the others. This is Hermione." Deimos smiles, picking them up. Sprig immediately climbs into Deimos' hair, Scuttle tilting his head at Hermione "I'm guessing Sprig is the Bowtruckle in your hair and Scuttle is the Niffler in your arms?" Hermione asks. "Yeah. Let's go over here, I'll introduce you to Serpens, Serpentis and Serpentes my Runespoor. They're only a baby at the minute." Deimos nods, putting Scuttle down who runs ahead of them in the direction of the caverns.

"It's like a there's a whole world in here." Hermione smiles, looking round. "I'm going to expand more, the more feature I get, but at the minute it's just Star, my owl, Sprig, Scuttle and Serpens, Serpentis and Serpentes." Deimos explains, leading into the caverns. Scuttle runs back over and climbs onto a rock "Where are they Scuttle?" Deimos asks. The Niffler looks towards the left making Deimos head that way "Thank you buddy." he tells Scuttle. Hermione smiles "They're like friends but different." she says. "They are, it's why I got annoyed with Ron. He called them pets when they're not, they're more than that." Deimos explains, smiling as Sprig climbs onto his shoulder. Hermione nods "I can see that, they way you act with them and the way they act with you. They understand you and you understand them." she tells him. Deimos nods and smiles as Serpens, Serpentis and Serpentes slither over "Hey you three, I brought a new friend to meet you so be nice." he tells them. The Runespoor slithers up a stalagmite and onto a stalactite, Deimos smiles as Sprig chirps slightly "They're all so unique in there own way." Hermione smiles, looking at Scuttle who runs his head against her leg. "You can pick him up if you want, he knows not to take anything shiny from new friends." Deimos tells her. Nodding, Hermione picks the Niffler up "Hello Scuttle." she smiles. Scuttle makes a happy noise and he rubs his head against her cheek, making her giggles slightly "Likes you already." Deimos smiles.

A week later Deimos was still not talking to Ron properly as Ron still hadn't apologised to him, even though Percy, Fred and George had spoken to them both. One morning everyone looks up as the post arrives, immediately being drawn to two long, thin packages carried by six large screech owls each. One of the parcels gets dropped in front of Harry, the other being dropped in front of Deimos. Frowning in confusion, Deimos grabs the letter attached and reads it first.

It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session.
Professor McGonagall

Smiling, he passes the note to Hermione "Even though I'm still annoyed with you for breaking the rules, I am happy for you Dei." she tells him. "Thanks Mione." Deimos smiles, quickly finishing his food so he can go and drop his broomstick off in his room.

As he finishes eating another two letters get dropped in front of Deimos, picking them up he opens the lighter one first.

First of all, congratulations on making the Quidditch team. Amazing achievement being the youngest chaser in a century, I'm proud of you. Work is going well, there have been a couple of interesting tombs discovered recently that I'm helping with. How is it at Hogwarts? Have you made any new friends?
I heard about what Ron said to you, ignore him Deimos. He doesn't understand the bond that you have with your creatures, or that they're your friends. Have some space from him and when you're ready try and talk to him, we both know he won't be the first out of you to try and fix this. Just make sure it gets sorted before mum and dad find out, especially mum you know how she can be. I'll try and be around for some of summer, if not you can come stay with me for a couple days to get away from everything. If Ron gives you any more problems tell me and I'll try and help sort it out.
Bill x
P.S. Make sure to tell me about your first Quidditch match.

Smiling Deimos puts the letter away and picks up the next one to read.

Sorry for not responding sooner, it's been chaotic here. Well done on making the Quidditch team, I knew you would. How is everything at Hogwarts? You had any Quidditch practices yet?
The Dragons are good we have two new ones a female Common Welsh Green and a male Peruvian Vipertooth. As for this summer, of course you can. Rosie misses you too, can you send an old jumper with your scent on it? The other one you've sent is nearly in rags so we'll need to swap it out soon. I've sent you a picture of her so you can see how much she's grown, not much of a baby anymore. I'll talk to mum and see if you can keep her in your case, there will be rules though as you know.
Fred and George sent me a letter about what happened with Ron, try and make up with him. I know he's in the wrong but you know how stubborn he can be. At least think about it, if it carries on Fred and George think that Percy might tell mum and dad. We all know how that will turn out. Just think about it, you don't have to but it might be worth it in the long run.
Talk to mum and dad about coming with them and Ginny at Christmas, they should let you tag along with them.
Charlie x
P.S. Think about what I said.

Deimos looks at the picture that Charlie has sent of Rosie "What's that?" Hermione asks. "Picture of Rosie, she's a baby Antipodean Opaleye dragon that I rescued with my brother when I visited him earlier this year. Well, by the look of this picture, she's not much of a baby anymore. She became attached to me and began to see me as her mother, she only lets Charlie near her as he was with me when I found her." Deimos explains, showing Hermione the picture. "She seems..." Hermione trails off. Deimos chuckles slightly "It's alright, I know dragons can be scary to other people. I just don't see it, especially with Rosie as she's such a sweetheart." he tells her.

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