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Okay okay okay!! I just had this idea about Cory being a serial killer for a story. Hope y'all like this story and I will come out with the first chapter soon.

9/6/22 @ 4:03 am EST
This was originally started in May 2022. I have decided to revamp the trilogy.

Woah... why'd you unpublish it in the first place?

Yeah... you can thank lost inspiration and unhealthy comparisons for that.

But... my love for this story had overpowered the previous things. Writing is truly about vibing with your story. Being in the moment with the story. It's not about the views, likes, or engagement it gets.

It's all about the love. It's all about the connection you make with your story.

Instead of finishing the third book before posting the rest of the trilogy, I will repost the first and second book with edited parts.

What does that exactly entail?

better wording
• more context if needed
• oh and a new cover lol

I'm a one woman show so bare with me 😭

Your. favorite.serial.!

It's back. The triplets are back, ready to read yet again. Hope you enjoy the revisions or... maybe this is a new story to you. Welcome 😁

I'll be back with an update 💕

Yours truly,

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