Friendship with Kenshin

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Cory and I had a blast! The night was full of laughter, great conversations, and amazing vibes. As it turns out, Cory is what I hoped him to be- a great guy. I never thought I could hang out with him because well...I'm just a fan. I'm someone he didn't know, and I'm just like anyone else.

But I did it... I got to know about him off the camera. Honestly... he's cool with me.

I ended up sleeping in his room for the night. He took me back to my hotel the next morning. "Thank you Cory! I had so much fun, let's see each other again", I said getting out of Cory's car. "No problem Niarra, and I must say that was the most fun I had in a while! I actually can't wait to hang out again. You're awesome!", Cory replied. We waved goodbye to each other and I shut his car door. I went inside the hotel and he drove off.

I already told my friends Cory was going to take me back to the hotel in the morning. Dreamcon day 2! This time we are going with Y2K fashion. I dressed up in a yellow sleeveless crop top with light denim high waisted jeans. Once we were all ready, we hit Dreamcon again.

We were ready to go out to the car when Gina wanted to talk to me. "Ni, I need to talk to you. Jay, Val, go to the car and we will meet you there." Val and Jay casted confused glances at Gina and then each other. They walked away to the car, leaving Gina and I alone.

"Gigi, what's going on? Everything's alright?" Gina crossed her arms and took a breath. "Ni, I want you to be careful around Cory. I can't pinpoint what's actually wrong with him, but I feel like something's wrong with that man". I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Is she serious?

"Gina, can you for once stop being so cynical? Cory is a good person, ok? I met him in person, and you know what? He's showing me he's the same person as he is on camera. I'm in good hands, Gigi." I walked past her and said in a dismissive tone, "Let's get to Dreamcon, please".

"Niarra, people aren't what they seem", Gina paused to huff ,throw her arms to the side, and then resumed, "If you can take off your rose colored glas-" I cut her off, "Gina...I don't want to hear it. Cory's my friend now. That's it and that's all".

I rushed towards the car, with Gina two steps behind. Jay and Val noticed us. "Ni-Ni, you ok?", Val asked making a slight frown on her face. I sighed, "Yeah I'm fine. It's just Gina being Gina". Val nodded her head. I put on a small smile to lighten the mood, "Let's have fun girls, ok?" With that being said, I drove off to Dreamcon.

Once again tonight, I'm sitting in Cory's hotel room. I was watching him play Halo Infinite. "What the freak?! I got him c'mon game!", Cory shouted at the tv screen. I giggled. Cory turned to look at me. "Oh so you think me losing is funny?", He said. "Yeah you suck!", I teased him. Cory furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Oh yeah? Then you play since I suck", Cory challenged me. I gasped. "Mhm the samurai was too stunned to speak", Cory replied. I kissed my teeth and took the controller. I started shooting this random dude and suddenly we were in a shootout. I wasn't backing down but...neither was he. After a few minutes of intense shooting, I successfully killed him. Finally, I shot the last guy and won the game. I smirked at Cory while he looked at me shocked.

"Like I said, you suck!", I said giving him the controller. "Beginner's luck", Cory scoffed and turned off the game, "What else you want to do?" I suggested putting him on to songs I listen to. I brought my speaker and connected my phone to the speaker. I set my speaker on Cory's desk near his bed and went on Spotify to pick a song. "Ah this song is good", I said picking "Body and Soul" by Emotional Oranges.

Yeah, let me you tell about this fireplace
That we're gonna lay in front of
And roast marshmallows and oranges and shit

"Oranges? I never heard of that", Cory said confused., lightly scratching his hair. "Bruh just listen to the song", I said giggling.

Take you back to my place
Love you by the fireplace
Girl what you want from me
Your body and soul

(A/N: I'm listening to this song as I write this chapter. Had nothing to do with this story lol. I can make an imagine involving this song though if y'all want 👀)

"How'd you like that song?", I asked Cory. "It's good I gotta add that to my playlist. Got any more songs I need to know?", Cory asked. I nodded my head and played more songs like "Plastic Love" by Mariya Takeuchi, "Bay City" by Junko Yagami, and "Midnight Joke", by Takako Mamiya. Cory liked all of the songs. "You have good taste Niarra! Thanks for putting me on", Cory said. "No problem my friend", I said. Gina's just being a joy kill as per usual. There's nothing wrong with Cory.

The rest of Dreamcon was just like this. My girls and I going to Dreamcon in the day and being with Cory at night. Dreamcon was amazing and better than I expected. Cory even followed me on Instagram and we exchanged numbers. It's sad to say I got to leave. Until next time, Texas.

My friends and I made it back to New York safely. I texted Cory letting him know I was back home. He let me know he was home as well. He asked me if I wanted to FaceTime and I agreed. I answered the incoming call. "Hey Mr.Kenshin!", I greeted him. "Niarra! You look good in that bonnet girl", He said. I laughed, "Stop it! You know your afro be eating". He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, your braids was the center of attention", He responded. We just talked for an hour until I wanted to go to bed. "Alright shogun, I'm going to bed. Goodnight", I said. "Goodnight my samurai sista", He said. I hung up the call and placed my phone on the nightstand. I turned off the light and went to sleep.

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