Our Friendship

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(A/N: This was the song I was listening to while making this chapter. You can listen to it while reading if you like 😊)

Niarra and I have a great friendship! I couldn't be any more grateful than I am now. We always have great conversations. However, I know that will all change once she finds out the truth. She can't know the truth. I worked so hard for this friendship. I worked so hard for her trust, the ability to confess to me the things she's afraid to say... I worked so hard for this.

We talked about what I would do if I was a killer when we were at Dreamcon. If only she knew. "If I was a killer, I'm not going after any samurai. If you are a samurai, then you are safe. I'll know if you're a samurai, trust me Ni!", I said laughing at the last part. She laughed, "Well that means I'm safe from you at least". I nodded, "Definitely. I'd also explore different ways to kill a person, but I don't like killing". Niarra looked at me for a moment and asked, "If you don't like to kill, then why would you be a killer?" I sighed and thought about the question for a minute. Why are you a killer Cory? "Well because I don't know", I pause to think for a moment and then I reply with a soft voice, "Maybe it would be a way of releasing my demons". "Interesting", She said nodding her head slowly.

I feel like she understands me on a deeper level. I love it but I hate it. I mean, it's exciting but scary at the same time. What if she already knows? Ni-Ni thinks so unconventionally, she thinks of concepts that people refuse to speak on. Her mind is vast and wise beyond her years! I love and hate her mind. I love how interesting her mind is, but I hate the potential of how capable her mind really can be. She's a genius and could thwart any plans I have if she wanted to. She's studying computer engineering. This girl can program and build computers in two hours! She's so talented. 

In addition, Niarra is very empathic; She fervently cares for others. How about when she finds out, get her to support you? Instead of doing it alone, she will help you? Will that work? I'm pretty sure if Niarra was in a story, she'd be a heroine. She would never side with a murderer. You never know unless you try. You forget she's a huge fan of yours. She's a samurai for life, remember? Use that to your advantage. I don't know, her morals are very insistent. That would be wrong and would destroy our friendship. It's her or your life, you choose...

My life or her? She's such a sweet girl and I would hate to do something like this to my friend-A genuine friend at that. Do you want to get caught? You gotta do what you gotta do. Right. I'm sorry Niarra, I hope you never find out. For your sake. I wanna save you but I don't know how. I begin to pray. "I pray that my friend Ni-Ni never finds out I'm a serial killer. I pray she doesn't become my accomplice", I prayed. I finished praying and sighed. Don't become my accomplice, Ni-Ni.

(A/N: Whew, writing about characters are challenging- especially when it's someone you don't know very well. For the three people that are still reading this, I'm most likely going to have slow updates. Best case scenario, weekly updates! Worst case... I'll come back to this in mid-December. 

Lmao... I'm just thinking about the fact that I had to pull out a thesaurus so I can capture at least SOME accurate verbiage when it comes to Cory. Hey, if it's inaccurate at least I've learned some new synonyms. I'll be back with another update!)

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