Who Would Believe Me?

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Niarra's POV

I can't believe this! I'm the prime suspect?! Cory wasn't even... that son of a- BIYYATCHHAA, TRATTCHHHAA, ZATCHHAAA!! How did I get caught up in this?

I was showing normal activity and I get discharged tomorrow. Apparently I was unconscious for three days and Cory got out of the hospital for his arm the day before I woke up. I told everyone what the officer told me and they were upset. "Oh when I see Cory, it's his ass!", Jay clenched her fists. "Wow what a friend he is", Gina commented. How am I the prime suspect and is Cory even an accessory? This doesn't even make sense. In what world can conspire with a serial killer so perfectly? This is wrong on all levels!


I got discharged and Val drove us home. When we got home, we noticed a note on the door. I picked it up and it stated:

"Hey Ni-Ni, you dug a deep hole for yourself huh? You thought you ate? You thought you were gonna be the cunning hero in this story? Sike! I always had a backup plan in case you would do something like this.

By the way, you better fight for your life in August. August the 12th to be exact. It's you versus the state of Michigan. Good luck!"

I stared at the note in disbelief. I can't believe I was friends with this guy. Not to mention, my social media wasn't any better. The samurai immediately sided with Cory and filled up my inbox with hateful messages. Of course in character, Cory told them to stop and that he was getting justice for them. The samurai in response were praising their beloved shogun. I could vomit any second. I can't believe I was a fan of this guy.

I thought I stanned a caring, loving, kind, funny, weird in a good way, multitalented, ethical, and hardworking man. Whole time, I was supporting a cunning, manipulative, selfish, and cold blooded serial killer who doesn't care who he has to betray to get what he wants. He's no different from these politicians, might as well be one. He has the charm to do it.

Should I tell his family? Would they even believe me? If he can brainwash the samurai, then his family is brainwashed for sure. Hm maybe his fellow YouTuber friends? Nah, they won't believe me. Cory is so great at hiding his true motives. I learned that about him. Hopefully, I can get evidence supporting my side so I hired a lawyer right away.

The next day arrived, and my lawyer and I spent the day reviewing evidence to use against the prosecution. "Uh, tracking his IP address is a privacy location so we can't use this", My lawyer said throwing out the copies of his location. "How about his location when we were sharing each other's location?", I said sighing. "I believe that's the only evidence you can use, Niarra. This isn't looking good", My lawyer replied blatantly. Val and Jay were just as frustrated as I was. He played this so smooth it's unbelievable! He knew the lack of evidence I would have. Well played, Cory. You have officially outsmarted me.

The lawyer left and Val, Jay, and I sat in the living room with a range of emotions. "I'm going to kill this man Ni-Ni! He knows exactly what's he doing", Jay said gritting her teeth. "Yeah, he got you where he wants you and had the nerve to rub it all in your face", Val said. I shook my head and began bursting out in tears.

I'm going to Jail
I'm going to Jail
For something I didn't even do
For a person who wasn't for me
For a person who will throw anyone under the bus that's in his way
I don't even have great evidence
There's no hope
I lost my career
I lost my job over justice
I'm sorry missing people

I have failed you...

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