Sit Back for Now

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I woke up the next day to an Amber alert of a missing person. Again? That's nineteen! I got a shiver in my spine when I read the last location of the person. They were last seen at Meijer?! I am at a loss of words. I looked at the clock. It read 1:11 P.M. It can't be... all nineteen people were near Cory. Is he trying to imply something to me? Cory has something to do with the missing people but I don't know what. I'm going by Cory's place today.

I got dressed and left. February is here and it's cold as hell! That's what I get for choosing to live in bipolar weather. I reached Cory's place and had a feeling of uneasiness in my gut. Oh no... I went inside. Cory looked at me with concern. "Ni-Ni, are you alright? You look like you're about to cry", He asked. I stared at him looking scared out of my mind. He looked at me and tried to comfort me but I backed away. I shouldn't reveal it right away. Something bad might happen if I do.

Cory's POV

I was nervous. She isn't usually like this. What's wrong with her? Did I do something to upset her? My mind was bombarded with worst case scenarios. Did someone harm her? Ni-Ni finally spoke up,"I'm sorry, I'm just a little uneasy today". I calmed down. "Oh ok, you don't have to tell me what happened. Want something to drink? Eat?" She declined and everything went back to normal.

However, I can't help but to feel that I was the reason behind her discomfort. Hmm... could it be? She found something and isn't telling you? I shook my head at that thought. Ni-Ni tells me everything, I'm pretty sure she will tell me later.

We chilled and talked about the newest person gone missing. "This is crazy! Someone's gotta do something about this", She ranted. "Yeah that's nineteen people in the past month", I replied. "Let me ask you a question Shogun", Ni-Ni said. "What you were doing at all the locations of the missing people?" My heart skipped a beat. Calm down Cory, just answer the question. I looked at her and responded as calm as I can, "I was getting groceries, getting gas, and I didn't see anything happen Ni-Ni. I promise!"

Ni-Ni stared at me for a minute. She then sighed, "Ok, I believe you. I've been researching the missing people's cases and thought you had something to do with that". Oh?! That's why she was uneasy! She's been on the case of the missing people...she's not anywhere near a police officer or private investigator... Why is she acting like she is one?

"Ni-Ni, you are digging yourself into a deep hole. Let the police handle it! You could get seriously hurt, or worse, end up dead solving the crime", I said. I need her off of the cases. She can't find out the truth. She sighed, "I can't help it, I want to help them". "Then let the police handle it", I replied. She looked at me and embraced me crying into my chest.

She lifted her head and stared me in the eyes with her teary eyes, "I can't help but to think I can save them. No police officer or investigator has anything on me! I'm these people's savior! I'm all they got Cory. This is my purpose in being here, I feel it. Stop trying to get me off the cases. Because the only person who truly wants me off the cases... is the person who's doing this".

"Yeah, but I don't want you to get hurt", I responded hugging her back. "I'm not going to get hurt Cory. I'm a strong woman", She replied. "But you're not invincible Ni-Ni, humble yourself. That's great you're researching the cases but let the police handle it", I said. Ni-Ni wiped the tears from here eyes. "You know what? You're right. I'll back off for now. That's all the information I have anyways", She said. "Hold on, how long have you been thinking I was somewhat behind the missing people?", I asked. "Oh just today", She replied.

Oh... well now you're home free Cory. Let's kill this person and look for more.

Niarra's POV

I went back home. Oh then I guess they were just dreams. All I had to do was ask him. I got ready for bed since I had nothing better to do and Amir leaves out in the morning.

The sun was rising while we arrived at the airport. Amir gazed at the long line ahead of him. "Ok sis, see you soon?", He said. I nodded and we hugged. He went to the line for security and I left the airport going home. Once home, I plopped down on the couch and texted a classmate.

Niarra: Were you able to do question 10?

Mike: Yeah, thanks for your help
Niarra liked Mike's message

Niarra: Ok good! See you tomorrow

I went on Instagram and played some games until bedtime. I got ready for bed and went to sleep. Let's go to school and get this bread.

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