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January 2024

I'm a night away from studying computer engineering at Michigan State University! I start school tomorrow and I'm excited. I was interested in computer engineering because my love for building computers and programming. I was a part of the robotics team in high school and even won three competitions. I'm thinking of starting my own business, because a technology company that's black owned would be so dope!

I know... how did all of this conjure up? Actually, I'm not alone in this endeavor-my best friend Val also moved! Val and I decided to move away from New York City; This city is great to visit but not to live. We looked for opportunities in other states. Our budget is pretty good, our pockets can travel a remarkable distance if you're picking up what I'm putting down. It's truly the result of working hard to get what we want.

After endless no's and maybe's on various locations from the both of us, we finally settled on Michigan and I giggled because... that's where Cory, the shogun, ankle breaker...oh actually-my friend, lives! We applied to MSU and got accepted for our respective programs starting spring '24.

I'm living with my bestie Val! No offense to my bro Amir, of course. Amir and I lived together when we turned nineteen. Oh, Amir and I are fraternal twins, and Amir is older than me-by a measly minute.

Amir might not show his emotions like that, but he shed a few tears watching me move out. We moved to Michigan on a chilly October night. We desired to move there before the winter hit. Baby, the winter will definitely winter in this state.

We got used to living in Michigan. No more bodegas on every corner, I did enough grieving months before the move. Everything is pretty much by car if you're in a rural area-no more frequent public transportation.

Well... there's stupid drivers everywhere, so I can't even say "well at least there's no stupidity on the road" as a plus. I had to get hipped to not having Amir as a personal chauffeur anymore. I don't think Amir liked being my personal driver despite his supposed to be emotional goodbye, saying something like, "I'll miss being your personal Uber".

Val, on the other hand, was ecstatic to be living somewhere else. "It's a whole new worlddd", She would sing in the hallway when we first moved here. I guess everyone has a Jay in them somewhere-just got to find the motivation point.

By the way, Val decorated the absolute hell out of this place. It went from some tacky, old apartment who was drained from boredom to a harmonious union between stylish and comfy.

"Got everything we need for tomorrow?", Val asked. "Yeah, night Val!", I replied. Oh...What about Jay and Gina? They of course cried, especially Jay. "World, I'm sorry to announce the cheetah girls won't be performing for the 2024 tour, because our two members are pursuing their own endeavors-and I am so proud of them". Jay was acting like she was a spokesperson of an event; She had her own imaginary camera and her hairbrush as a substitute for a microphone. The rest of us shook our heads, giggled, and then hugged Jay. We stopped hugging. "We will visit y'all!", Gina embraced Val and I once again.

Tomorrow is here and I'm excited! I got up and dressed by 7:15 A.M. I am wearing a gold long sleeved v-shaped shirt that stops at my lower belly, mid-waist black slightly ripped and baggy jeans, and gold sneakers. I wore my hair in a low Afro puff with my edges swooped and Diamond studs in my ears. I took a picture of myself and uploaded it on Instagram. Cory commented, 'My Ni-Ni really know how to dress out here 🔥🔥🔥'. I giggled and liked his comment. He's gotten more comfortable with using Ni-Ni and we have gotten closer by texting each other every other day. I told him I moved to Michigan, so now we can see each other more often.

I made breakfast which was pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, and a fruit bowl. The fruit bowl had cut up melon, grapes, diced pineapples, and blueberries. I made freshly squeezed orange juice and placed it in a pitcher. "Breakfast's ready!", I called out to Val. Val got out of her room and went to the table to eat. I made our plates and sat her plate in front of her. Val appeared in a burgundy long sleeved dress, black tights, and black knee high boots. She wore her hair half up half down with small hair pieces in the front and wore silver hoop earrings. "Ohh breakfast is good! Thank you Ni-Ni!", Val said eating a piece of bacon. I nodded my head. We ate and got ready to head out.

It was 8:00 A.M and we left to school. We got there fifteen minutes later and headed our opposite ways since we have different majors. I went into my first class and sat by myself. I set up my computer and waited for the professor. Ten minutes later, the professor arrived and started the class. "Welcome to Scientific Programing! I'll be your professor and I'll go over the syllabus for this class", the professor announced. Basically, all of my classes handed out a syllabus and went over it.

It was the end of my day and I was waiting for Val when I got a text from Cory.

Mr.Kenshin: Hey wanna hangout tonight? I miss you

Me:Yess I miss you too
Mr.Kenshin loved your message

Mr.Kenshin: Great! *sends address*Be here at 7.
You loved Mr.Kenshin's message

Val arrived and we went home. It was 3:09 P.M and I went to sign all my syllabuses since that's all I had to do today. Lab starts tomorrow and I'm excited for that. I took a brief nap until 4:30 P.M. It was 6:30 P.M and I left to go visit Cory. "Bye Ni-Ni, have fun!", Val said to me. I arrived at his place and parked on his driveway. I rang the doorbell. Cory answered the door a minute later and pulled me into a warm embrace. He smelled like cocoa butter and used coconut oil on his hair. "Hey Ni-Ni! Take off your shoes and come inside", He greeted me and locked the door behind me. I took off my shoes and followed him to the living room. We talked about our days and then went into his office.

"Ni-Ni, now you've been in the famous room where I record for the samurai!", Cory said, then plopping down in his office chair. I noticed an extra chair in the office and placed it besides him. I began to touch random items on his desk. I sensed something was weird so I looked up and seen him staring at me. "Like what you see?", I furrowed my eyebrows but gave a small, sly smile. He gave me a goofy smile in return and said, "Maybe". I shook my head actually smiling and looked at more of his stuff on the desk. "I was thinking of recording Spooky Scary Sunday with a special guest", He spoke up. I stopped what I was doing to reply in a excited tone, "Really? Who?" He laughed and hit me with, "I don't know...You". I shrunk in my seat.

Me?! Spooky Scary Sunday? It always has been a dream to be in one of these videos with him. "Oh wow! Really? You're kidding", I said in disbelief. Cory shook his head and grasped my hand, "I'm serious. I want you to guest star Ni-Ni, you'd make a great guest". I blushed. "Ok it's settled. I'll be your guest". Cory smiled, clasped his hands together, and rubbed them rapidly together, "Yessir!". I laughed at him.

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