Cory's Accomplice?

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How could I have been so... naive? Am I that delusional for this man?! Now I know why he told me to let the police handle it. It wasn't for my safety, it was so he could do his thing without my involvement. I can't believe this. Cory: the shogun, my inspiration... my friend.

Is he even my friend anymore? What will he do if he knows that I found out? Only God knows what! Let me process this for a minute, then I'll tell my friends.

They were shocked too. However, my friend Sam told me something that was bizarre, "Play his game. Act like you didn't find out. He trusts you a lot, use that to your advantage and find the missing people". "How?! Y'all know I'm not the best at hiding my emotions", I commented. Sam sighed, "Can you at least try? My sister went missing and you are our only hope!"

Phoebe chimed in, "Niarra, it's ok that you're scared... I'm scared too". That made me feel relieved. "Thanks Phoebe!" "So what's it going to be Niarra?", Sam asked. I sighed. I am their last hope, Sam confirmed what I was thinking all this time.

"Okay Sam... I will do it! You guys have my back in case this turns left?", I asked with my hands shaking. "Yes Niarra! You got this", Phoebe cheered. I nodded. Phoebe hung up. "Niarra, I'm sorry if I was being too insistent. I understand that this is very dangerous", Sam apologized. I nodded my head.

Sam continued, "It's been rough. I lost my sister and there hasn't been any closure these past few months. We haven't even seen her body! I've been hopeless until you found out what you found out. You are our only way to justice. Niarra, we need you".

I exhaled, "I understand Sam. I felt that I was the missing people's hope for a while. I will try my best, that's my promise". Sam expressed a slight smile. "That's all I can ask for". We ended the call.

Little did they know Cory will know what's up instantly. This is gonna be damn near impossible. Hopefully, I can smooth talk my way out of this. Cory asked me to come over so I'm on my way. I have to be if I don't want to be suspicious.

Cory let me in. I'm scared... "Hey Cory", I hugged him. Cory hugged back. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God! Cory noticed my face. "Are you ok Ni-Ni?", He asked. I sighed, "Yes Cory, I'm ok". He looked as if he didn't believe me. But he smiled and ok'd me. Uh... did I already butcher this?!

Cory's POV

I could tell Ni-Ni is lying. She's hiding something- and I'm gonna find out. I'm going to act as if I believe her first. We talk and I pick up that she sounds constantly nervous. Interesting. Must be something about me. If it's about something else, then she would've already told me. You're not very good at hiding things, Ni-Ni.

I'm about to close in on her. "I-I just think that it's better if we talk about something else other than the missing people", She said stuttering. Oh? "Oh so now you don't care about the missing people? Is that what you're saying, Ni-Ni? You've been going on about this topic for months and now you don't want to talk about it anymore? That's very strange, why the change of heart?", I let out. Ni-Ni looked at me in disbelief.


Niarra's POV

I stared at Cory. Why would he say that? What is he trying to imply? I cleared my throat and answered with the tiny bit of confidence I had left. "No, I still care about the missing people, it's just that you told me to back off and let the police handle it. I only talked about the recent person. I don't have a change of heart, but why do you suddenly wanna talk about these people, Cory?" Checkmate!

Cory shot back, "I'm naturally a caring person and that's all that's been on the news lately. You always talk about them and we engage in that topic, but now you wanna change the subject. That's why I asked about the change of heart, sweetheart". We then stared at each other for a minute until Cory spoke up. "Ni-Ni I want you to be honest with me", I nodded my head slowly. What he asked next made me have goosebumps. "Did you persist in the research of the missing people cases after I told you not to?" I looked at the floor. Oh my... this is it. He's gonna chop off my head and mail it to my brother.

I bursted out in tears and confessed to him. "Yes yes yes! I couldn't take it anymore! I wanna save them so bad!" Cory shook his head and then resumed to ask me what I found. He comforted me as I answered. "I still found nothing. I'm still where I started", I lied. Cory stopped massaging my back. "But if you found nothing, then you wouldn't be uneasy", He stated. Oh man, he's right. I begin to answer but he interrupted me. "I'm going upstairs, I gotta do something. Need anything?" I shook my head no. He stood up and went upstairs.

I sat there. Well... that plan was a bust. I'm not good at hiding especially when Cory is in the mix. He just knows too much about me.

Now, I've been waiting for Cory for awhile. A horrible feeling washed over me. I don't know why I have this feeling...but I do. As I was about to get up, I got hit in the head. I feel to the ground and fell unconscious.

I woke to being tied in a chair. I tried to wiggle out but there was no success. I looked around to discover I was in his basement. Matter of fact, it's the same room Edward tied him up in. Cory entered in and noticed I was awake. "Hey Ni-Ni! So... spill out what you know", He demanded. Wow he sounds very aggressive. It's kinda sexy if I'm being honest.

I can't believe I told him but I did. I regret telling him the information I found. He laughed. The next thing he told me haunted me forever. "I'm not in a group. I'm a one-man show. I don't just kidnap people... I kill them", He said and he let out a maniacal laugh. I stayed quiet for a minute. I finally spoke up, "Then why you didn't kill me? Kill me now, you might as well". "I don't kill my fans and besides, I want you to do something for me", He replied. I gulped, "What do you want me to do?" Cory really asked me, "I want you to be my accomplice, Ni-Ni. We can be the perfect partners of crime. You can manipulate the police records and I can just keep killing. We will be like Bonnie and Clyde if they were friends. What do you say? Be my accomplice?"

Do I play his game and be his accomplice?

"Don't worry, I'll give you some time to think about it. Oh... don't tell anyone what I told you or else I got a pistol with your name on it", Cory said chuckling at the last part. He's crazy. I thought this was an act for YouTube but no. He's actually PSYCHOTIC!!

But... do I give in or do I risk my life telling someone?

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