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Cory looked at me and smiled. He smiled at me... I love his smile. He was saying something but I couldn't hear anything; I was in my own world. I know he said he was "sadly unimpressive", but I think he's just being humble. This man is real life beautiful.

"Hey, are you there Niarra?", My mind snapped back to reality to a concerned Cory. "Oh my bad I zoned out", I said embarrassed. Cory let out a small laugh and replied, "That's ok and it's always great to meet one of my samurai!" I nodded my head and said,"Yeah but a girl been walking around all day gotta pop my candy break". I went into my bag and got out skittles and Swedish fish. "I got some Swedish fish for you", I offered him. Cory eyes lighted up and took the Swedish fish and said, "Thank you! And yeah a candy break won't hurt". I giggled. "We see you Ni-Ni!", Jay shouted and I shook my head.

She's so embarrassing! Cory looked over to her and my friends. "Who are they?", He asked while popping a fish into his mouth. "Oh! They're my friends: the one in the blue dress is Jay, Val is the champagne dress, and Gina is in the pink dress", I responded. "Oh cool and I like your dress it's very pretty", Cory complimented me. I blushed, "Thanks Cory".

An awkward moment of silence crept it's way into our conversation. Cory broke the silence, "Hey Niarra, that's your name right?", "Yup", with that reply, He put a small smile and resumed, "Ok, do you wanna hang out, like outside the venue? You seem like a cool person to talk to."I get to hang out with Cory?! Where they do that at?  "I'm sorry if that's an odd request since I don't usually ask that of fans, but I feel like I can build a friendship with you", Cory massaged his Afro with his right hand. Answer the guy Ni-Ni. I snapped out my trance once again, "Sure that'd be awesome! Just us?", I replied. "You can bring your friends if you'd like", Cory said looking at my friends, or more so eyeing Gina. Guess he likes how Gina looks lol. "Ok but you can call me Ni or Ni-Ni", I said and I followed up with asking him for a picture, and he agreed. I had Val take our pictures: one with Cory and I and one with Gina(Cory's request), Cory, and I. Val gave me back my phone and I looked at the pictures. Can't wait to post these to Instagram!

"Alright it was great meeting y'all! See you later Niarra!", Cory said leaving. My friends and I waved bye to Cory as he took off in another direction. I met him! I finally met him. "You ain't tell me he was going to be handsome Ni sheesh!", Gina said fanning herself. "Girl he got the hots for you Gigi!", Val said. "Gina please I ain't focused on all of that. I love his content and personality", I said waving her off. "You seen the way he was looking at you? Like he wanted a bite!", Jay said biting air. "Jay don't think you off the hook! 'We see you Ni-Ni!' Really girl?", I said attempting a voice impression saying her phrase. "Girl bye! So you hanging out with him right?", Jay said dismissing me jokingly. "Of course! Y'all can come if y'all want", I replied. "I'll sit it out", Val said. "Yeah Ni you can hang out with him and y'all can be friends", Gina said. "You sure you don't wanna see the handsome man Gina?" I asked bouncing my eyebrows. "Nah I'm good. I don't know him like that, go have fun", Gina said. "Yeah you can call us when you're in trouble", Jay said. I nodded. We enjoyed the rest of Dreamcon and I hung out with Cory that night.

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