♡Reality and nightmares♡

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Usagi POV

'Where am I?' I thought standing in pure darkness. Then, I heard something, something I couldn't describe. I gasped and turned around to see my friends on the ground! "Mamo-Chan!" I cried as he and the others turned into stone, "Chibi moon! Saturn!" 'Please, this has to be a nightmare!' I shouted to myself. I turned to my hands seeing them turn into stone as I let out a blood-curling screamed.


"Haha! Now this planet belongs to Dead moon and Dead moon alone! These weak people will wonder in darkness forever!" Zirconia in Nehalennia's voice laughed. "Nobody can escape from the nightmares of the Dead moon."

Luna POV

"At this rate, the nightmares will devour the crystal barrier Helios and Elysion sent to protect us! Nobody is responding!" Artemis panicked as I typed in something, as Diana teared up. "Oh no look!" I shouted. As we looked at the screen, our planet Earth, was covered in darkness. "That's it, I'm going to the Dead moon circus!" Diana said jumping out of her spot. "Diana wait!" I called, "Hmm?" She asked and turned around. (omfg shes so cute!!)

 "Nows not the time to panic, we should stand by here. The Sailor guardians we know, wouldn't go down that easily." Artemis reassured her. "We have to have faith! The sailor guardians will protect this world!"

Usagi POV

"Usa!" Mamo-Chan shouted and slapped me on my cheek. "Huh?" 

"Wake up!" he shouted, "They're feeding us nightmares! Look!" he pointed out as we all turned to see Zirconia bringing a great force of wind. "Have heart and stay strong!" He reminded us. "The prince..." Pluto muttered, "He broke free of the nightmare, but how?" Uranus asked herself. "Mamo-Chan." I stared into his eyes remembering what I said back in Elysion.

He and I made a vow to protect this planet. And everyone's happiness, forever. It wasn't a dream at all! That was real. That was true. Protecting this planet, that was always our dream! "We can't give up. It's not an option." I said standing up. "We are the sailor guardians, no one can defeat us." I said turning towards my friends. "Prince, princess. We swear on our lives to protect you!" Uranus vowed, as she and the sailor guardians held out their hands and shouted.

Sailor Planet power, meditation!


I didn't know it; I fell asleep until a familiar voice called. "Chibi moon!" It was sailor moon! "You're in there, right?" she asked suggesting inside the two shattered glass. "Sailor moon!" Saturn and I cried. "Moon gorgeous meditation!" Sailor moon shouted as her attack broke Saturn and I free. "How dare you!" Nehalennia shouted and got ready to attack again.


Moon gorgeous meditation!

Moon gorgeous meditation!

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But our kind of worked, I guess! "Sailor moon!" Venus called out, "Everyone!" Sailor moon shouted backed, "I have Chibi moon and Saturn, now break the mirror!" she ordered. As the sailor guardians broke us free. But as they attacked the place started to fall down as shattered glass fell. 

Something caught Saturn's eye as she picked up four orbs colored in, green, blue, red and purple. "Saturn?" I asked as they place shook violently and we fell out the mirror. "You alright, Chibi moon and Saturn?" Mars asked. I nodded in response, and we all were teleported back outside. "Did the Dead moon circus just disappear?" Neptune asked, something was wrong. I could feel it, if they were gone, why is the Earth still covered in darkness...? 

There's only one explanation for this... Elysion. I gasped. "Sailor moon! I believe the Dead moon circus went to Elysion!" I shouted. They looked at me and debating if my statement was true. She nodded her head and turned to everyone else, "We have to go to Elysion!" she said, "Well were all coming!" Chibi Chibi moon said. "No you and everyone else stay here." 

"Why shouldn't we come? Give us a reason why." I argued, she looked at me defeated. "Exactly, plus I want to see Helios!" I said. Sailor moon looked at Tuxedo mask and nodded his head. "Alright then, let's go to Elysion." he said holding out his hand as we stepped forward creating a circle while holding each other's hand.


As I landed gently on the ground, I looked around disappointedly at the sight. 'This is Elysion?' I thought, 'I thought it would've been prettier...' As we were walking, we saw a pair of twins, Buns almost like mines with silver white hair and eyes that almost looked like glass. "We've been expecting you." They spoke. "We are the maenads, the priestess who serve the shrine."

 "Where's Helios?" I asked, they looked at me and gestured for us to follow them. But I saw a sight I didn't want to see ever. "Helios!" I shouted and was going to run up to him, but Sailor moon held me back. "Don't Chibi moon! If you get close to that cage, you'll get hurt." She scolded as I tried to fight my way out, also fighting tears. "Helios... no... Open your eyes, give me a sign you're okay!" I begged. "Helios sent that crystal barrier to protect us. But that took all his strength." Tuxedo mask said coldly. "Did he die?" Chibi Chibi moon asked. 'Die? No, he couldn't have! Not yet ever!' I thought as hot tears streamed down my face. "Please Helios... Answer me!" I cried as the bell he gave me fell onto the floor. "The bell he gave me." I said picking it up, "This is a sign he's not dead!"

 But the moment ended not too long after, everyone got this feeling as if someone or something was watching us. "She's right, our enemies are alive as well." Uranus pointed out. Suddenly, the maenads screamed I turned around to see why. The Dead moon ship was heading towards us! As we watched the familiar mirror appeared and so did Queen Nehalenniha, she laughed, and more black roses appeared. 

"To those who do not know me, I am Nehalenniha. Queen of the Dead moon, Kingdom of the New moon's darkness. Hello again, Sailor moon. Or rather, young princess of silver millennium." she greeted. As they both argued, Nehalenniha antagonized Sailor moon to attack her and she did. Next thing we knew, we were inside the kaleidoscope!?

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