♡ Final battle ♡

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Sailor moon POV

"Moon gorgeous meditation!" I shouted but my attack reflected back onto us. "What is this?" Tuxedo mask questioned. "It's as if we are in the kaleidoscope!" Chibi moon pointed out. "It can't be- She reflected our attack on us!" Neptune said. "Serenity." A voice called, "Serenity." the voice said again.

Flashback (Italic will be flashback)

"Serenity, my lovely Babygirl." Queen Serenity cooed at her newborn baby. "I'm glad you're born. I love you so much." she said cuddling the baby and giving her a few kisses.

Queen Serenity! Am I looking back at my past life?

"Now time to celebrate." The Queen said picking her baby up. "Let's invite everyone."

Then I noticed Nehalenniha's mirror in the Queen's room?

"Congrats Queen Serenity, yay!" The little inner Senshi cheered as they ran up to their queen and princess. "Thank you, girls, welcome! Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars! You are the chosen guardians to protect the princess." Queen serenity said. "Queen, we've been looking forward to this day!" Venus said bowing down, "We swear to risk our lives for our princess" vowed Jupiter. "She is going to grow fast and will catch up to you guys soon.

I can't wait, I wonder what kind of princess she'll be." Queen Serenity said looking down at the baby who was smiling. "We brought the Princess gifts." A women said, "And champagne for you!"

"Congrats, Queen Serenity." A voice said. They turned around to see Queen Nehalenniha with a dark, evil aura around her. The guardians tensed up and held an arm out protecting the Queen and the baby. "A royale birth is cause for celebration." she said.

'That's right! Queen Nehalenniha was an uninvited guest' Venus thought.

"Your darkness stings this palace, name yourself!" little Venus demanded. "Oh my, I came all this way here and you treat me like that? How mean!" Nehalenniha said. "Wait, I know who she is! She's evil. A mean witch who wishes to spread her darkness!" little mars pointed out.

'I forgot. I kept that memory way in the back of my head. The moon at the time was a pure white orb, without any trace of darkness.' Mars thought.

"I big your greetings, stranger." Queen Serenity greeted, "If you seek a peaceful coexistence, we welcome you. However, if your true intentions are to spread darkness... you have to leave." "Who are you to tell ME to leave? You're not even from here. You are also from a distant universe, but Queen, I'm not here to argue. Darkness isn't evil, it's the inverse of light. Accept that and there will be balance." said Nehalenniha.

"You're evil, begone!" little mars shouted attacking her. She just laughed and said, "Where there is light, there is also darkness. Always both! Darkness calls light, light calls darkness. They need each other!" As the dark aura began to appear Queen Serenity took her moon stick out and tried to seal Nehalenniha away.

"In darkness, I hereby seal you away. Forever!" Queen Serenity shouted. As Nehalenniha's painful cries she spoke once more, "Lock me away! But I will leave a gift for the princess. I curse this kingdom and its people!" she shouted as the memory shattered like a mirror.


"And so, my gift became a fruition." Nehalenniha explained. "That's not true, that was fate! You cannot change or manipulate fate!" Neptune said. 'She's right.' Saturn thought. 'The kingdom suffered multiple overlapping tragedies. These were what it led to its eventual fall. I thought the board had been cleared and everything has been reset. But apparently there was one piece that was still on display.'

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