♡ My happy ending ♡

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(Y/N) watched as the darkness lifted and the sun in Elysion started shining, the place came back life. As the crystal barriers returned to Elysion, Helios reverted to his original form. And the people started to wake up. "Things on the surface are returning back to normal." Neptune said looking into her mirror. As things returned to normal (Y/N) and the other's transformed into their royalty forms. 'That nightmare felt like it went on forever...' (Y/N) thought gazing at the sun.


"Wahh..!" The little princess cried. "What's the matter Small lady?" Neo Queen Serenity asked. "When I try to sleep, an evil monster attack me! Venus and the others told me a scary story that a monster lives on the other side of the mirror and eats crybaby children! Is that true mommy?"

 "Small lady, each of us has a star tucked away in our hearts." she said, "A star?" the little princess asked. "Wherever there is light, there will always be darkness. If you show the darkness, you're afraid, it will feed of your fears. But listen to me darling, there is a way to overcome that. Listen well, for it's something you must never forget."

"Always let that star shine brightly!"


I gazed at the sun until I heard a bell sound, I gasped. "Helios!" I said and ran over to him picking up my dress. I slowly stopped running and walked up to him, I knelt down to him and checked up on him. "Can you hear me?" I asked softly.

 "Helios..." I whimpered. "Open your eyes... please! Come back to me, my love..." as I leaned down for a soft kiss. As he slowly opened his eyes, he looked at me and lifted his hand to my cheek. I gasped, "Princess (Y/N) Lady Serenity." he muttered. "Why are tears streaming down your face? Crying doesn't look good on your pretty face." he complimented as he sat up. "They're happy tears..." I said choking on my words. No words could express how happy I was that he woke up. "I couldn't help but cry!" I said and leaned in for another kiss.



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We broke the kiss as we both heard giggles behind us. "D-Diana?! Chibiusa!?" I cried blushing madly. "I can't wait to tell mommy and daddy about this!" Chibiusa teased. "N-no wait!" I shouted, "What crystal is that?" Helios asked.

 "That is Small lady's power crystal, Pink moon crystal." Diana informed him. "My own? You mean this is mine?" I said gazing at it as it disappeared. 

I stood up and turned to him, "Come on slow poke!" I teased and ran to the others. 'The maiden in my vision, was you all long. Wasn't it my love?' Helios thought and caught up with us. I walked back to Helios who was staring at Elysion and leaned my head on his arm since I'm shorter than him. We both walked back to Usagi and Mamoru.

 "Helios." Sailor moon said. "Prince!" Helios said. "I see you managed to undo the seal of the Golden crystal?" Mamoru smiled at him and handed the crystal to Helios as he summoned his staff. As Mamoru grabbed it both of them transformed to Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. "King? Queen?" Luna and Artemis said in surprise. They both raised their staff to the mirror and lifted the sand into the air.

Saturn POV

I walked up to the queen holding the four orbs and knelt down before her. "Saturn...?" she questioned. "Please, use your Silver moon crystal to free them!" I begged. She looked at me for a second and smiled, then she pointed her staff to the orbs. As the four orbs were floating in the sky, four girls appeared, and tiaras were transformed onto their foreheads.


"The Amazons quartet?" Everyone asked in sync. 

"We are guardians. Protected by the four asteroids of the solar system." The pink haired girl explained. "I'm Sailor Ceres." she said. "I'm Sailor Juno." The green haired girl said, "Sailor Pallas." said the blue short girl. "And I'm sailor Vestas." The last one said. "We shouldn't be here; we should be asleep right now. But Nehalenniha found us and forced us to awaken brainwashing us with nightmares." Ceres explained. 

"But thanks to you, it's over and we can go to sleep now." said Juno, "Now we must return to our sleep in the Jungle." Pallas said, "But Sailor Chibi moon." Ceres said, I looked up. "One day, you'll stand on your own as a full-fledged sailor guardian and a true lady. We all look forward to that day when we can stand by your side and fight with you." Ceres explained.

 'Are they my guardian deities?' I thought surprised. "Don't worry, we swear to protect the princess until you have awakened." Saturn said holding my hand. They smiled at us and disappeared.

 'Sailor Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta...Someday, when I'm a little older. I'll be a full-fledged sailor guardian and maybe a true lady!' "Sire, you must all return to the surface. I shall guide you on my favorite horse. Pegasus!" Helios presented. 'Oh Helios! You're like a charming prince on your noble steed...'


"Goodbye." Helios said. "I will continue to pray for you all. My prince, I will pray for you too." as I stood there. I wasn't satisfied yet, a goodbye made me even more sad. I clutched my skirt and walked up to him.

 "Is this really goodbye...?" I said as tears threatened to come out. "No, this isn't goodbye, it's see you later. Princess." he smiled. "Promise me, we'll meet each other again?" I asked, he nodded. "No matter how much time passes, even if were reborn, I'll always find a way to meet you again..." Helios said as he hugged me. 

"I love you, my love." As we leaned in for another kiss. ♡

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