Chapter 14 • flying rats • PV POV •

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The day felt like it went by quickly, we went outside and played for a little while and I got so close to him he smelt like lavender and cacao.. awwwee~~
But enough of that! I forgot the material rats were in my purse, so I quickly opened it.
"What are you.. looking for?" Cacao said.
"Oh I'm looking for the material rats! No worries!" I told him.
I turned to him as I spoke and oh my crumbs was he gorgeous.
His hair was down and his jacket was off and his shirt matches him perfectly, a beautiful black. You could see his muscles formed and the outlines, but not noticeable ab's.
I'm not surprised his. It dating someone..
Why does that feel wrong?? Or sound like I'm jealous..
We were outside and watching the sunset on a hill with a water fall in the back with trees nearby.
As I looked through my purse, which is bigger on the inside, I asked him a small question just to confirm what I was thinking about earlier.
"Hey cacao.."
"What.." he responded.
It took him a second seeing that he isn't really the person to talk as much.
"Are you— like by any chance.. dating anyone?" I squirmed.
"Uhhhh..hmm.." he hummed.
"Do I have to answer the question.." He finished.
"Uh yes.. :)" I replied.
"Okay then, yes I am.." he said.
"YOU ARE?!?! WHO IS IT?!" I asked quite shocked.
"Rose.." he finished, he smiled while he said the word.
I still rummaged through my purse in need of finding my material rats.
"Oh.. why?" I said while jealously struck me.
"Well.. she's so calm, helpful, friendly,... passionate, lovely, gracefully, and not of all her beauty.." he answered.
"Oh, about the passionate thing did you guys.. kiss before..?" I said hiding the envy.
His cheeks tinted a beautiful red to match with his skin.
"Yes.." he said.
"It was very, nice.." he replied.
I nodded, still rummaging which seemed endless purse.
"Why did you ask.. Nilla?" He said with a slight pause.
"Oh well, it's just because it seems like you look like you should be dating someone, but your not actually and I don't mean in this case specifically you." I replied.
"Oh, so you think I'm not dating anyone.." he commented.
"No! It's not that?! I just thought you weren't dating anybody.. or was it the opposite" I said.
It was useless trying to find these material rats anymore, there gone forever in this ever lasting, endless purse. I know that it probabilities wouldn't be the best thing to ask cacao if he killed them secretly, but it's my only chance of finding my rats.
"Uh cacao" I asked.
"What" he said bluntly.
"Did you see my rats??" I asked.
He looked at me as if I were crazy.
"What rats?!?!" He replied.
"Ummm the material rats I had.." I told him.
"Ohh.. those rats" he said rather annoyed.
Now I have completely ruined the mood— but it wasn't technically my fault.. it was the rats!
"Can we go look for them.." I asked him.
"Uh can we go look for them..?" I asked again.
"Oh sorry I was just in my mind for a second and yes we can look for them" he said.
He picked up his jacket and got up. I got up as well and we started walking into the school.
"Let's devise a plan" I told him.
He nodded.
"I'll go to the east wing and you go to the west wing and if we can't find them down there then I'll go south and you north." I explained.
"So ordinal directions.." he said.
"Yes" I said.
"Okay let's go and find those beautiful rats" I said.
We both spilt up and went to the wings(west, east). Honestly I never been down the west wing before— matter a fact we weren't even supposed to go down there, now I felt a little bit worried for cacao.. but then again he looks like a really strong person mentally and physically, but I don't know about mentally— what if he has disabilities dealing with these things or whatever.
I walked down the hallways of the east wing and checked every room— nothing completely nothing maybe, cacao has some luck.
I walked back down to the place we came from and waited. Cacao was sure taking a long time.
They actually sounded like the material rats.
It sounded feminine so I assumed that was some other cookie until I heard this, "PURE VANILLA COOKIE YOUR RATS TURNED ME INTO A FEMALE!"
As soon as they appeared out of the hallway I couldn't stop looking at the beautiful cookie. She had amazing curves and instead of wearing pants she had on a skirt above there knees with long black socks. She was beautiful, nothing on her looked terrible. Not even numbers can explain how beautiful she is or words.
"Who are you, and how do you know my name?!" I asked the cookie standing before me.
The cookie was a some inches taller than me therefore she kinda had to look down.
"Don't you remember?! Cacao.. I'm Dark cacao cookie.." she replied.
"Material, material, material rats!" The Material rats said frantically.
"Can you tell them to turn me back" cacao said sternly.
"And why should I do that?" I said getting revenge for telling me the rats weren't gonna be helpful(reference to chapter 12❣️).
A cookie walked by and whistled.
"Nice curves!" The other male cookie said beside him.
Using there other hand cacao pulled down there skirt.
"Would you not—"I asked them.
They both stopped in there tracks and looked to each other and laughed.
"And why would we do that" one of the males said, while emphasizing the we.
"Because uh.. she doesn't like it when you did that" I replied annoyed.
"Well it's her fault!!" The other male said.
Cacao stood quietly taking in the whole conversation, they mumbled something under there breath and squeezed there fist.
"How's it her fault?!" I asked.
"Well she's wearing a shirt skirt and we can see her a** when she bent down to get those rats, nice a** anyways" they commented.
I sounded like a volcano eruption, or loud thunders or even worse than that..
"Speaking of the rats" one of the male cookies mumbled frightened.
"We're are they??" They finished.
Cacao looked down, they weren't in there hand anymore.. All of a sudden we heard a song playing from a distance, slowly coming towards us.
" want Chanel 9 boots
All these niggas steady jockin'
'Cause they know I'm the truth
(Material girl) and I get it from my mammy
Balmain, bust downs, these hoes can't stand me
(Material girl) currently working on a Grammy
Meanwhile, pussy poppin' with ya man in Miami
(Material girl) Chanels and pearls
That's the trick that it take to keep the girls.."
"The Material rats!!" I exclaimed.
They flew in with the music playing louder than ever.
"ARE THOSE FLYING RATS?!" One of the males asked.
"Uh they have pink acrylic nails for wings and there flapping— obviously flying rats" cacao responded.
"WHAT ARE ACRYLICS?!" We all asked except cacao.
"I have a little sister who is like 13 so I know what they are.." cacao replied.
They started to chase down the cookies then something magical happened after the cookies and the Material rats were gone, cacao turned back!
The material rats came back and we all hugged him.
"Yay! Your back!" I exclaimed.
I hugged him and the more I did the more warm my checks felt.
Maybe I do have a huge crush on cacao, but I can't interfere with his relationship though.
He hugged me back as well.
"I'm so happy I'm back to normal— I do guess I thank you pure vanilla cookie.." cacao said, backing away.
"Oh well— oh my fancy! You don't have to owe it to me like that—" I replied flustered.
"Hey!" Voices screeched.
"You owe it to us as well!!!" The Material rats yelled.
Cacao chuckled then said, " I guess I owe it to you material rats.. you really proved me long— and I am sorry for doubting you earlier" cacao finished.
"No problem.. MATERIAL, MATERIAL, MATERIAL RATS!!!" The Material rats exclaimed.
We shared a laughed and started to walk back to the dorms to spend the rest of what was left of our weekend which was only three hours.
Though I wish I could stay with cacao even more even if it was only three hours.
I want to sit down in his lap, him playing with my hair, humming to me as we sit in the spring breeze.
Ahhhh the dreams that might never come true.
~What a beautiful weekend~

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