HarryThey're not going to come.
I just know that I took it too far and she wants nothing to do with me anymore. Not even acquaintances. Nothing.
I don't know why I got her that bracelet. I was shopping with Sarah and Mitch on Sunday and I saw a man waiting for his jewellery to be engraved. I looked at what they had to offer and when I spotted the simple bracelet with an H on it I couldn't not get it. Coincidence is that my name also starts with an H. I didn't get it because of that reason though, I genuinely thought about the word honey in mind.
She's everything honey-like. She's sweet, sticky, a blessing. It's so easy to get involved with her, she's everything my mum ever wanted for me.
So I ended up buying her that bracelet in hopes that if she wouldn't reach out I'd have a reason as to why we'd have to meet again. I want her in my life. Any way I can, I just want her around. I'm crazy, a moron even but I'm following my heart for the first time in my life. And my dick.
God the sex was everything I expected and more. She's just incredible in so many ways.
I had no idea she was living with Niall so when I saw them on Monday, I was in complete shock. My foolish brain already thought that it was another coincidence that she was involved with one of my old friends. It has to be a sign, right?
Maybe not.
Maybe she thinks I'm a creep and she'll run far away from London to get rid of me.
In the middle of my anxious foot taps, my phone dings on the vanity desk. We share a look with Jeremy in the mirror as he fixes my hair and I reach forward to retrieve the device.
Unknown: Hi, we're gonna be a little late. Ni forgot his phone at home and we had to turn around...
She's texting me.
It's her. It's Rosie.
Butterflies swarmed my stomach, overwhelming me in the best way possible.
Me: That's okay. I'll get security to escort you to your seats.
R: Thanks H. Good luck for the show, you'll crush it :)
That smiley face, the nickname...
I need to calm down. I have a show to do in a few minutes, I can't let my brain wander. I need to focus.
"You ready, Styles?" Our manager Jeff opens the door of my dressing room after knocking twice. He's right on time.
"Yeah." After checking my phone one more time, I get up from my chair and look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look good.
The man staring back at me from the mirror looks so much different from who I am. It's like he's a completely different person.
I always knew I wanted to perform. I loved it ever since I was a little kid. I loved being in the centre of things, I loved acting as someone I was not. And I loved singing even more.
I told this story countless times yet it still feels like it's out of a book or a movie. The story that continues to this day. The story of how my life changed for the better.
I briefly told Rosie about most of it that night at the zoo. She seemed interested - she always does - and she was willing to listen to me talk and give advice.
I'll never forget the words she said to me as we sat above the empty pool.
Once you stop trying to please everyone, you'll find your own voice.

Baby Honey - H.S.
FanfictionFalling in love series part one Now I'm getting older, am I getting over you? I guess we'll never know... Harry Styles is a part of a small band, that slowly gets more and more recognition. When out on a night he meets Rosie, he can't get her out of...