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Things haven't been quite the same.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been spending every bit of my time with Rosie. My girlfriend.

I never would've imagined that I would find somebody as special to me as she is. She brights up my days just by existing. When she steps into the room, all my worry seems to diminish. When she's not with me I crave her closeness and miss her soft touches and small caresses.

I simply can't imagine being without her.

I know what's going to happen sooner or later but a big part of me doesn't want to think about that. I don't want to spend the rest of my days with her worrying about the fact that she might leave me. I know what I signed up for when I practically begged her to be mine. I'm not gonna backtrack just because I'm scared of heartbreak.

As I sit here in the studio, journal in my lap and pen in my hand, I can't help but think of her. She's everything I feel, everything I want to write about. Truth is, all the songs we've written are about her. Whether it's straight-up or hidden within the lyrics, every word, every melody is about her. For her.

The contract we signed a while ago says we need another album released within the second year and though Ambrosia has been released not long ago, it's not nearly enough. The more music we put out, the more recognised we get. The more we promote our songs, the more they listen to them.

Mitch and I just got back from a meeting with our record label not long ago. They wanted to know how the album is doing and the truth is, it's almost fucking finished.

My inspiration has been its all-time highest for the past months. We wrote about fifteen new songs that are mostly done but we need more before we can decide which ones will make it on the new album or not.

With that said, we also need a name for the album. And a design, and we have to figure out how many songs we want on there.

It's a process that's for sure.

Since we got back to London, we've been working extra hard in the studio which lessens my time with Rosie. The more I think about all the time I'm missing out on that I could spend with her, the more I think about the due date of our relationship and my anxiety sets in.

I haven't been able to sleep too much for the past couple of days. We get in bed fairly late after work and the shows. I cherish every moment with her, the intimacy, the sweetness, the love she has to offer. I want to maximise our time and by doing that I simply don't sleep much. I stay up and watch her sleep, the way her cheek presses against the pillow, the way her body curls into mine whenever there's even a little distance between us. She needs me as much as I need her.

"You've been awfully quiet today." Mitch pipes up from his seat across from me. He's sitting on a stool, guitar in hand as he picks at the strings to create different melodies.

"Just thinking," I admit the obvious. My brain has been more clouded than usual for the past couple of days and I can't help it. I can't help but think about what's next in our story.

"Alright," he sets the guitar down on the table between us and fixes his sight on me, "it's obvious you have something on your chest so speak. What's bothering you?"

A lot.

"Just thinking about the future." I shrug my shoulders, not really knowing where to start. I've worked on being open with my close friends so it's not a very hard thing for me to do anymore but it's still not easy either. Especially when it's mostly not even about me.

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