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"I was watching you at dinner," Newt suddenly admits as he walks down the streets of New York with Jacob and Grace

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"I was watching you at dinner," Newt suddenly admits as he walks down the streets of New York with Jacob and Grace.

"Yeah?" Jacob questions.

"People like you, don't they, Mr. Kowalski?"

"Oh? Well, I'm sure people like you too, huh?"

"No, not really. I annoy people," Newt's neck was slightly bent down, hiding his eyes behind his curly tufts while he walks. A habit of his.

"So... am I not people?" Grace crosses her arms. It's not that people were annoyed by Newt or didn't like him. The man was just so invested in his creatures, he hardly got out to socialise.

"You're the exception."

"Yeah, right," she chuckles, uncrossing her arms. "So, Mr. Kowalski, why did you decide to be a baker?"

"Well, I'm dying in that factory," Jacob sighs. "Everyone dying. It just drains the life outta you. You two like canned food?"



"Yeah. Me neither. That's why I want to make pastries, you know. It makes people happy." Jacob suddenly changes direction. "We're going this way."

"So did you get your loan?" Newt asks.

"No, I ain't got no collateral. Been in the army too long, apparently, I don't know."

"You fought in the war?"

"Of course I fought  in the war, everyone fought in the war. You didn't fight in the war?" Jacob questions Newt.

"I worked mostly with dragons, Ukrainian Ironbellies, Eastern Front."

"I made my way around as a healer, most witches did," Grace winces thinking back to all the injuries she had come across during her time in the war. It was nearly four years barely seeing Newt, but the two had exchanged letters whenever they could, usually every week. She had almost gone mental when Newt was late to reply at one stage, thinking the worst. 

Newt suddenly stops, following a trail of jewellery along the road. He pauses, doing a double take when his eyes land on the niffler through a jewellery shop window.

The creature was pretending to be a mannequin, a necklace hanging on his arms. Newt was smarter than this however, pulling his wand from its holder, he smashes the glass with a spell.


"Newt!" Grace gasps.

"Oh!" Jacob exclaims, seeing the state of the shop after catching up. Newt rummages through a bunch of drawers, the niffler launching itself out and onto Newt's head. In attempts to catch the scurrying creature, Newt shoves a glass display case onto the floor before jumping up and hanging off the chandelier. The two spin for a moment before a muffled yelp is heard as the chandelier falls to the ground.

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