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"The job ain't that glamorous

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"The job ain't that glamorous. I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john." Queenie had been reading the mind of Jacob and answering all his questions for the past half hour as everyone dug into their plates of food. "Tina's the career girl."

Grace glanced over at Newt who was sat beside her. He stared forwards, ignoring majority of the conversation. She didn't need to be a legilimens like Queenie to know what he was thinking. The poor man was beyond worried, and Grace wanted nothing more than to take all that worry away. But she knew that wouldn't happen until his creatures were all back safe and sound. Without a second thought in her mind, Grace reaches out a hand under the table, placing it on top of Newt's that rests where thigh meets knee. He jumps at the sudden contact, quickly snapping out of his distracted state. Newt glances over at Grace and she smiles reassuringly, one in which he returns, a small and soft grin of his own.

"Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of  pox when we were kids. You're sweet. But we got each other!"

"Could you stop reading my mind for a second?" Queenie sits back dejected by Jacob's request. "Don't get me wrong, I love it. This meal, its  good! This is what I do, I'm a cook. And this is, like, the greatest meal I have ever had in my life."

"Oh, you slay me! I ain't  really talked to a no-maj before." The two lean forwards on their hands, their faces still love-stricken.

"Really?" Jacob questions. Newt puffs up his cheeks, then letting out the air feeling awkward about the whole situation.

"I am not flirting!" Queenie exclaims, pulling back in her chair.

"I'm just saying, don't go getting attached, he's going to have to be obliviated," Tina looks to Jacob apologetically. "it's nothing personal." He shakes his head, confused by it all.

"Oh, hey. You okay, honey?" Everyone turns to face Jacob, he was sweating a lot more, wiping his forehead with a napkin.

"Miss Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalski could do with an early night. And besides, we will need to be up early   to find my niffler, so..." Newt quickly stands, pushing his chair in.

"What's a niffler?" Queenie turns to face Tina with a confused look on her face.

"Don't ask. Okay, you guys can bunk in here," Tina tilts her head as Newt gives her a look of bewilderment. For someone so adamant about the rules, she seemed keen on breaking her landlord's. She led Newt, Grace, and Jacob to the spare room, only for there to be two single beds. Newt and Grace made quick eye contact but immediately looked away with rosy cheeks. "Sorry, we only have two spare beds. I assumed you two were together?"

"Uh, no," Grace feels her cheeks heating up even more. Oh, how she wishes they were together. "It's alright, I'll sleep down in the case."

"No, no. I can sleep down there, the cot isn't that comfortable," Newt steps in. What kind of a man would he be to let any lady, especially Grace sleep down on the cot in his case. It was small, old, and he hadn't dusted in quite a while.

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