The Day I Got My Own House God.

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"Good morning Luke Jackson. Today's weather is partially cloudy with a 60 percent chance for rain at 5, followed by light shower forcasts in the evening.  Would you like me to prepare your coffee?"

I awoke in my bed find a familiar female ai's voice was reverbrating in my implant.  

The slender white window shutters hissed open to let the sunlight splash onto my one person bed, my copious amount of anime plushes with their adorable eyes all facing in the direction of the sun to greet the new day. 

I sat up, moaning. I was in my pajamas, and nothing seemed out of place in my weeb paradise of a room.  

My silver laptop hummed calmly and serenely on my desk, next to which a dresser filled with various figurines of Super Saiyans, Vocaloid idols, pokemon, and the like lined the shelves to greet me like a bunch of motionless frozen friends. 

"Was it all a dream?" I muttered to myself, a question that I felt should've been obvious. 

As real as everything had felt, the truth was that all of it was way too fantastic and unreal to be anything but fake.  Superhumans wielding magic and spears? No way. I probably played way too much God of War on the play station last night.  

I stared at the clock on my wall. In the corner of the glass circle that hovered next to the wall, the date read 5/3. It was May 1st yesterday though.  

I caught my breath, gulping in air quickly as I picked up my phone quickly and stared at the messages on my College app. 

Classes had been cancelled for May 2nd due to bus issues all around the coastal cities. 

Hmmm. Maybe I had been glad for a day off and decided to sleep an entire day away? Wouldn't be the first time. And because of my long nap I ended up having a ridiculous fever dream about Tomoe Suzuki, a scary blood dude and the beautiful spear girl. 


Ugh. I couldn't think while just having woken up. I needed some hot water on my back and head. 

I made my way to the showers, gingerly stowing my feet into my slippers, massaging my chest as I went, scratching every part of me, from my butt to places where the sun didn't shine like anybody would if they thought they were alone in their own home. 

Unfortunately I wasn't alone in my home. 

For the moment I pressed the button on the large white rectangular compartment that led to my walk in bathroom shower, steam gushed into me as the sound of hot water pelting against a ceramic metal floor met my ears.

I waved away the steam to find a beautiful curvy blonde girl, standing under the water, rinsing away the soap on her arms,  completely naked except for the eypatch over her left eye. 

"Oh?" The girl from what I had thought was a dream looked at me without any form of embarrassment or discomfort. "I see you've awoken. Good, I have questions."

"URAAAAAAAAAAHH!" I roared as I fell backwards on my butt, the girl, nude and sopping wet, not even bothering to wrap the towel around her body, stepping out onto my carpet, hands on her hips, her breasts bouncing before my very eyes like a pair of plush  pillows. 

I covered my eyes, feeing my face get hotter with every passing second. "D-DUDE!!? WHAT THE HELL!? Who are you!? What are you doing in my house!?"

"Do you not remember me from yesterday?" The woman asked. 

"OF COURSE I remember you!" I roared back. "J-just.. didn't you have clothes or something!?"

"Ah, the mortal concept of nudity, how pointless. But it appears to be the only logical choice in getting you to calm down." said the girl. "Very well."

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