My Sister Kicks My Ass.

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"We'll be entering Tokyo airspace soon.." 

"Good, let them know that we intend to dock immediately!!"

Admiral Tyke sat in the large cushioned chair, looking more like James T. Kirk than anything, at least in his eyes. 

It was probably the best job in the world, being the Lead Admiral of a UN Air Cruiser like the Resolute. She was a fine plane. Best in her class in spite of her outward appearance being like an oversized airliner with fusion rockets.

Being up here really gave one the Star Trek feel but somewhat more badass. Unlike the age old scifi show, the interior of the main bridge was sleek and black with white lights lining the interior, with cushioned leather chairs facing the consoles, alowing the crew to work in comfort in an air conditioned space. The main viewing monitor displayed everything from weather to all predicted weather patterns as determined by an advanced AI that outclassed everything in its current time period. 

And this chair, oooh this chair.. the Captain's chair in the center of it all was just cushy.. and it had a cupholder. Star Trek never could seem to add cupholders to their starships in the show. Why didn't they think to contemplate that Picard might want a sip of tea while running from the Borg!?

Also the perks of his job went far beyond just the nerd fantasies. His silk uniform with his chest pinned with medals gave him the impression of a war hero, even if he had technically seen active combat, and the respect that came from his peers just gave him a bit of a high. And he had NEVER had to actually go around and shoot a guy to get it. Rather he just needed to spend some time in college studying aeronautics and political science, and bingo, he was elligible!!

And since the Detectives and Officers on board dealt with all the combat while he gave orders, that meant that they took the risks, and he only ever had make the decisions that led to those risks. And in the end he also partook in the honors and medals for those decisions.

Perhaps some would find having the lives of others in their hands nerve racking, but Tyke had always been an intelligent man. He was yet to find any situation where he couldn't come up with a strategy to instantly neutralize the threat.

Yes indeed.. the most perfectly cushy job in the world.


"Ah!?" said Tyke. "What kind of trouble!? If it isn't that big of an issue then let the local authorities handle it, we're the UN we only handle World Ending issues you know!! Get a grip!!"

"It's just-!" The crew member clicked a button and security footage from inside an arcade showing what appeared to be two strangely dressed women, one with a massive sword, one sitting on what appeared to be a giant crocodile made of swirling water, were fighting.. 

"H-HUH!? Are they filming a movie!?" Tyke stammered. 


"C-CODE GOD FALL!? Th.. that stupid thing the doctor theorized.. that I said could never happen.. ITS REAL!!?"

"All the readings coincide with the theoretical phenomenon known as the gods of human society sir!! This falls within the UN's charter! It is unlikely local authorities or even normal soldiers will be able to deal with the fallout of a full battle between the two advent subjects sir!"

The admiral's jaw dropped. He was speachless. 

He always had a strategy.. for everything... right?

BUt for this-.

"Admiral, request an order to deploy two Tek-Armor units into the neighborhood. In the meantime please also request a perimeter and pre-notify the press so as to not cause a panic regarding the revelation of the God Slayer Program."  

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